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Brandon walked into his apartment that evening in complete happiness.

All through class he planned on how to lead her into his arms. He glanced at her occasionally, not paying any attention to the lesson.

He had finally admitted to himself that he wanted her. When they first met he thought she would be a good hook up but when she continuously turned him down he felt his longing for her grow. He never met a girl that didn't instantly fall for his charm and good looks. It sparked something in him.

Now that Dawn had agreed he had to start organizing the party with his boys.

He called Trent. He knew Roman would be with him. They were usually together.

Brandon had met them in first grade. Roman and Trent had been friends since birth so they basically were joined at the hip. Brandon just tagged along with them whenever he had nothing else to do.

Roman picked up the phone. "Hey, Brandon. Trent's doing some stupid trick. We're supposed to be studying," he imagined Roman rolling his eyes.

"FUCK STUDYING!" Brandon heard Trent yell from somewhere.

"Ok...? Anyways. We need to plan an epic party. Like the ultimate party. And soon," Brandon explained.

"Yea, man. We can do it Friday after classes. Not that I'm complaining but what's with the party emergency, anyways?" Roman asked.

Brandon sighed. "Dawn finally said yes, man." The boys knew all about his little infatuation with her. "I finally convinced her to come to a party. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this? You should because I talk about her 24/7. I can finally put my plan in motion. She will be mine, I can feel it. This is so-"

"Woah chill, loverboy," Roman interrupted his rant. "We'll get you your woman. I'll call some people, get the word out. Tyla will probably help, too. She's always up for a party. Don't worry, dude, I got this. All you need to worry about is food, beer, and Dawn."

Brandon breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, bro. I owe you one."

"You definitely do," Roman chuckled.

Suddenly, Brandon heard a loud crash followed by a low, distant groan come through the speaker. He knew that sound from many memories at the skatepark.

"Oh shit. Looks like we're taking another trip to the emergency room. This is the third time this month. We're basically on a first name basis with the nurses."

Brandon just laughed and shook his head. "Let's just hope it's a minor concussion this time. You go handle that and I'll talk to you guys later."

"Ok. Bye, man." As he was hanging up, Brandon could hear Roman yelling at Trent, "Why don't you wear a fucking helmet, you dumbass?!"

Brandon placed his phone on the kitchen counter and looked around his apartment. He had only picked up the trash from his last party. Everything was still completely disheveled and out of place. He really needed to tidy up.

But before he forgot, he decided to text Dawn the day of the party just to remind her that she agreed and maybe to annoy her a little.

TO: Dawn

Party's on Friday. Don't forget. ;)

Moments later, she texted back.

FROM: Dawn

Wouldn't dream of it. Can't wait.

He chuckled. He knew she meant it sarcastically but he was happy that she was playing along. He knew she had a silly side, it was just hard to find.

He put his phone back on the counter and went to check the cupboard for snacks. He wasn't surprised to see that it was basically bear. He really needed to restock before the party.

Brandon pulled out a bag of chips and walked to stand in the middle of his living room. He examined the mess that was is living quarters. He had quite a bit to do before Friday. First on the list: beer.

So... I really don't have an excuse for not writing except laziness. But only Breanna reads this anyway so it doesn't matter (hey bre). But I double updated for Kanishmas! I hope yours was great cuz mine definitely was.

Next chapter will just be character list since everyone has been basically introduced.

Totally irrelevant side note tmi: I was like totally drowning in tears while writing this. I was listening to strong by one direction. I don't know about you but sometimes music just really affects me like that. You should go take a listen. Ok bye.


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