Drunk Sex

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        Dawn had never felt so exhilirated. Despite how cliche it sounds, she felt like she was soaring. This was the best kiss she ever had (no matter how little experience she had).

        Brandon was kissing her with so much force yet also being so gentle. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and his hand were placed on her lower back, holding her flush against his body.

She tightened her grip around his neck, pulling him closer and affectively deepening the kiss. He tugged her bottom lip between his teeth. A low groan left her throat without her realizing.

As they pulled away to breath, Dawn gasped out, "Your room. Now."

He looked at her with concern. "Dawn are you sure? You're pretty drunk and I don't want to take advantage of you. That's probably not-"

Dawn pulled him down to her again, kissing away his argument. "Is that sure enough for you?"

He just chuckled at her. "I guess so," he said but still giving her a worried look.

He began to steer his way through the crowd of people, leading to the hallway across the room.

When they got to a door that Dawn presumed was his room, Brandon turned around and placed his hands on her cheeks. "Are you sure you wanna do this? I won't be offended if you're having second thoughts."

Dawn rolled her eyes and pushed him into the room. She was glad he was so sweet and thoughtful but she wanted this. She turned around and closed the door to make sure no one walked in.

When she turned back around to face Brandon she took the time to examine the room. It was slightly messy but clean enough not to be disgusting. Typical college boy room. Brandon had sat himself on the end of the bed to wait for her.

She gave him a shy smile and began to walk over to him. She was still a little tipsy and in heels so as she walked across the room she stumbled. But just as she was about to hit the floor Brandon grabbed her and pulled her back up.

"I got you. Wouldn't want to damage that pretty little face of yours, would we?" He said, smiling down at her as he carried to the bed.

She giggled. "My knight in shining armor," she slurred, continuing to giggle and hiccup.

"You are so drunk," he said as he brought their lips together again.

This time the kiss was more demanding than gentle. they were both anticipating what was going to happen next.

"Help me out of this dress?" Dawn asked in between kisses. She began to unbutton his hsirt as he pulled down the zipper.

As the dress slid to the floor, Brandon pulled back to take her in. "Holy. Shit," he said, his eyes widening when he saw what she had been hiding under her dress. She smirked, gazing up at him through his lashes. "You like?" she said sheepishly.

He nodded frantically and gulped. He really did not expent her to get any sexier than she already was. She giggled and pulled him down on top of her. 'I'll have to thank Ken for taking me to Victoria's Secret,' she thought. He began to leave love bites all over her neck and down her collarbone.

Suddenly, they heard a crash come from the other side of the door. they had completely forgotten the party was still going on.

Brandon groaned. He really did not want to leave this girl in his bed to go deal with some bullshit. But he knew his responsibilities.

"I have to go tell Trent and Roman to take care of these people while I'm with you," he said, agitatedly, "but I don't want you to move. I'll be right back." He kissed her quickly and walked out the bedroom door, grabbing a tshirt along the way.

After sitting on the bed for a couple minutes, Dawn could feel her eyes begin to droop. 'Am I really falling asleep?! This is why I don't drink!' she thought to herself. She fought it for as long as she could but eventually she curled up on the bed and dropped off to sleep.


Brandon pushed through the crowd of people in search of Trent or Roman. He found Trent cuddled up with Kennedy on the couch.

"Hey, you two!" he said walking up to them. "What was all that noise?"

Trent shrugged it off. "Some guy just dropped a bottle of vodka. It was empty so no major damage." he raised his eyebrow at Brandon's current ruffled appearance. "What have you been up to, bro? You disappeared for a little while."

Brandon looked away to hide his red face. "I'm taking care of something," he mumbled.

"Speaking of disappearing, have you seen Dawn anywhere?" Kennedy chimed in.

Brandon's face turned even redder. Kennedy's expression turned to look of horror as she realized. She cleared her throat and tried to compose herself. "Just be careful, ok? I don't wanna be called aunt Ken any time soon."

Brandon chuckled and rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Don't worry. I've got that covered." He then gave them a suspicious look. "I would think she would say the same thing to you guys," he said, referring to their current cuddly position.

Kennedy blushed and hid her face in Trent's chest. Brandon grinned triumphantly. He wasn't the one trying to hook up.

"I'm gonna get back to Dawn. Make sure the party doesn't get out of hand, bro," he said with one last parting glance to the couple as he made his way back to his room.

When he got to his door, he stopped before he turned the handle. He took a deep breath and tried to clear his thoughts. Should he really be doing this? He was doing the steps in his plan backwards. Ask her out THEN they could have a little fun. But this is what she wanted. He would always give her what she wanted.

With another deep breath he turned the knob and pushed the door open. As he walked over to the bed, he could hear little snores coming from the slender figure curled up on his covers. he let out a sigh of relief and a chuckle. This was probably for the best.

He pulled off the shirt he had on and put it on her body. It fit like a dress. He picked up her dress and draped it neatly across the chair in his room. He crawled into the bed and  pulled the covers over them, moving Dawn closer so she cuddled up to his chest. He drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. this was better than drunk sex. Almost.


hahaha you guys actually thought you would see me in two weeks. That's really funny. I bet you thought I was gonna write some hardcore smut, too. LOL y'all nasty.

Anyways I'm moving so I'll update in like a month. 

I wanna know what you guys think about this so comment down below (that would motivate me to write HINT HINT)



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