[16: The Grievers]

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When Elle left for her lunch break, Newt grumbled and sat beside her. "Hello to you too," she said sarcastically.

Newt rubbed his forehead. "We've got a problem," he declared. She tilted her head and nodded for him to proceed. "Gally told me that the Builders you've been patching up have been goofing off on purpose so they get to spend time with you in the Med-jack hut," Newt admitted. He looked like he was on the verge of shouting. "Winston thinks some of the Slicers have the same idea."

"I was wondering why it was so busy today," Elle commented. She'd had her hands full all day long trying to patch everyone up, and Clint and Jeff mentioned that the Med-jack hut had never been so busy. "I guess this explains it," she said sheepishly. "I'm sorry, Newt, I had no idea."

"Don't be, it's not your fault. These slintheads can't be wasting time or messing around hoping to get a chance to ogle you. If it's alright with you, and Alby isn't in too bad a state, I'd like you to take over watching him," Newt suggested. "Having to look at Clint and Jeff instead of you might motivate them to do their bloody jobs."

"Sure," Elle agreed. She was nervous because of Alby's reaction when she gave him the serum earlier, but she didn't want to hold up progress in the Glade. "I'll cover the Alby shift, no problem."

After lunch, Elle returned to the Med-jack hunt and took over from Jeff. She filled him in on Newt's new plans, and Jeff sent her a grateful smile before heading out for his lunch break.

Noting that Alby looked much better already, Elle felt comfortable sitting on the little wooden chair beside his cot to keep an eye on him. He wasn't sweating as profusely, and his veins were less swollen, both of which Elle knew were signs he was improving. She took the small cloth from his forehead and dunked it in the bowl of cold water on his bedside, wringing water out and placing it back on Alby's head to bring down his temperature.

Elle hadn't known Alby for very long, but she knew he was an important part of the Glade's ecosystem. He kept things in order and provided balance to the chaos. It saddened her to see him in such a helpless state. Luckily, his chest fell evenly as his breathing slowed, and Elle could see he was finally resting. Alby looked much younger in this state. The wrinkles in his forehead smoothed, and he almost looked relaxed.

For several hours, he lay in complete silence and stillness. Elle used the notepad Newt left in the Med-jack hut to doodle and pass the time. There wasn't much to do in the Glade if she wasn't working, and watching Alby sleep wasn't very demanding. Regardless, Elle watched him carefully and diligently, taking note of any change in his behaviour.

Clint and Jeff took turns checking on her, but there wasn't much to report when they poked their heads in. The dark hut provided enough shade for Alby to sleep, and Elle knew that if the serum worked, his body would fight hard for him.

In the early evening, Elle heard a crashing sound from the Maze. She jumped in her seat, wondering what could have made such a loud noise. Then, she remembered Thomas and Minho were running and realised they must have found something important. Somehow, she was still nervous. Even if they discovered something that could get them out of the Maze, she feared the consequences of their freedom. Would they truly be free outside the Maze? If this was a prison or a punishment, would the next phase be more harrowing?

Less than an hour after the booming, Elle noticed Alby begin to stir. "Alby," she whispered, kneeling beside his cot. He opened his eyes, blinking languidly as he woke up. His eyes were clearer and less bloodshot than before Elle gave him the serum, which she noted with a smile. Elle helped him sit up and passed him a mason jar of water. "It's me, Elle. Alby, can you hear me? How are you feeling?" The older boy said nothing, staring at his hands and refusing to catch her eyes. You shouldn't be here. She wasn't going to make him talk to her if he didn't want to, so she did the next best thing. "I'm going to go find Newt, don't go anywhere," Elle ordered, rising and rushing out the door to find the second in command.

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