Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Get up you brat! The bus is coming in five minutes." My sister, Molly spat in my face, as she jumped on my stomach.

I groaned with tiredness from another sleepless night of crying my eyes out - and pain because Molly made my stomach hurt.

I glanced at the clock beside my bed. Why didn't my alarm go off? I must of forgotten to set my alarm, again.

I raced against time, while throwing on a band t-shirt and denim jeans, from the side of my bed, and quickly tying up my old, dirty sneakers I found under my bed.

I grabbed a stretchy hair tie, and put it around my wrist. I clasped my backpack strap from the kitchen counter, and ran outside for the bus.

When I reached the cool outdoors, I saw my sneaky, spoilt sisters taking their seat at the back of the bus through the massive bus window, while it drove away down the street, without me.

"Wait up!" I called out, waving my hands above my head rapidly while chasing the bus. "Stop the bus!"

But you know what? It didn't stop, because no one cared about the nerd who missed her bus.

I guess I am walking the way to school. It was a five kilometer walk from my house. My luck. I couldn't ask my mum for a ride because, A: she is at the salon, getting her hair bleached and all permed up, and B: she doesn't give a damn about me.

Well no one does.

My feet move in rhythm as they make contact to the ground, in the direction of my death trap of a school. I plugged my ear phones in and listened to the soothing music, that delighted my mood a little.

After walking for quite a while, my legs were getting tired and balls of sweats, were dripping down my face. I was huffing and puffing. I really should start to do more exercise and get fit.

I used to be quite fit. I may be skinny now, but doesn't mean I have the stamina. But I used to be quite fit and always played sport. I was part of a girls football team. My team was the best we could ever be. I was quite good. My father always watched me play, every Saturday morning an he used to cheer for me. But after he died, my mum made me quit, and won't let me be part of anymore sporting teams.

She said it is to much work to drag me along, to watch me play a stupid sport in the morning. Plus apparently it was way too much money. Well all that I could say that it way cheaper, than her clothes she buys everyday.

But that was when I was 13. Now I am 17. I should be able to make my own desicions.

Once I finally reached the school, I opened the massive school entrance doors, and walked in. I looked for the time, on a clock on the wall, and it read 9:30am.

Damn. School started thirty minutes ago.

No point going to my first class. It finishes soon. I had never skipped class, so I really don't know what to do. I walked over to my locker, and grabbed all the books I need for my next period. Art. I took out my sketch book, and my pencils and shoved them into my bag.

Behind me, I heard some giggles. Must be the other ones who skipped class, as well as me.

Ignoring them, I continued to place my third period books, into my backpack, until I felt a strong force that made my back hit against the locker, beside me. My back ached with pain.

"So we have a newcomer, don't we?" Penelope, the girl in front of me spat. Her high pitch voice irritated me. Her brown, long hair was plaited over her right shoulder, and her piercing matching brown eyes, looked forceful. She was that girl that you don't want to mess around with. "Trying to skip class, nerd. But nerds don't skip class, right Angel?" Another girl behind Penelope, who I guess is Angel, shyly nodded.

Penelope thrashed my body against the locker, again leading my back and neck to sting. "Maybe we should teach the nerd a lesson, shall we?" Penelope then started to drag me down the hall.


"Is someone around!

"Please leave me alone!"

Those words didn't even give me a sign of help. Soon all the pulling, slapping and screaming led me to a small room that looked like a janitors closet.

Angel opened the door for Penelope to throw me in the room, then closing and locking the door when Penelope was done. I was now trapped.

I couldn't see the room properly, because it was so dark in here, so I grabbed my iPhone 3 and used it for light. The iPhone 3 was no match for my sisters' iPhone 5's, but it was good good enough.

Using the light, I scanned the small room, filling my mind with details. At the back of the room, was a clothes line full of jumpsuits, jackets and long pants. Around me scattered cleaning products, mops and towels. I took a seat on the floor, in the corner and just wept.

I have no idea why they would lock me in here. Do they just have sick minds? Don't they have anything better to do?

A few moments later, I heard some yelling and foul language, leading to the small closet.

"Let me go! I need to get my stuff for the next class!" Yelled a raspy voice. It wasn't familiar at all.

"Just shut up and maybe we will let you out, after school." The familiar high pitch voice replied. Then the closet door opened, letting me see the surroundings better, and a heavy body was thrown into mine. Then the light was closed back in darkness.

I heard some mumbles of the word 'sorry' and 'ouch' come from the now familiar raspy voice.

To see his face clearly, I grabbed my phone and turned it on, shinning the light at him. Now I could see his features.

He was a very tall boy - well taller than me, and he looked around my age. His eyes were an emerald colour and his hair was a chocolate brown colour. His hair was curly, yet he styled it up like a quiff. Why haven't I seen him around?

The boy then had the same idea, and took out his phone. He shone his light directly towards me. He stuck his giant hand out and spoke, "Hi, I'm Harry Styles."

I noticed his hand was out for me to shake it. "I'm Ellie Samuels." I replied while shaking his hand. "I guess we are here for the same reason. For-"

"For sneaking out of class and being a nerd." Harry finished for me. He smiled brightly, while showing his quite deep dimples.

"That sounds quite right." I replied.

"Where are you supposed to be for next class?"

"Art class with Mrs Green. The only good subject I have. Yourself?"

"Art class as well, with Mrs Green. Why haven't I see you 'round?"

"I actually don't know. I haven't seen you before until today."

That was weird. He was apparently in my class, yet I haven't seen him before. I swear his features and voice was never familiar.

Maybe it was because I never took any recognition to anyone in my class. Since no one would talk to me anyway, I just stuck down to my work and got myself to be well above standard than others.

After that, we talked about our other subjects and teachers. He was only in my art class, I figured out.

But talking to Harry felt different, and nurturing me to be myself. Just having a conversation with him felt special, like when my father was around. That type of special.

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