Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"So your serious that your mum and sisters don't care about you?" Harry asked still confused. His eyebrows knitted. I hummed in reply.

We soon got into the conversation of our life at home. I opened up to Harry about my life at home, how I diagnosed myself with depression and especially, my dad.

I had never said my life story to anyone. Not one person. Harry was the first. I had no one to talk about this so I guess that is why.

"I tell you what, your life story reminds me of Cinderella." Harry continued. I never actually thought of that.

"So what about you, Harry? Do you live with your perfect parents in a big house, and have millions of friends?" I joked out of curiosity. He looks like that guy who has a better life than me. A normal family, popularity and someone who belongs somewhere.

"Nope. My parents don't even want me around so one day after school, they sent me to a small apartment 5 blocks away from my old home. I live alone. My parents pay for my school fees and apartment fees and I have a job to pay for my food and clothes.

"I actually had one friend. She now lives on the other side of the world. We were best friends and we saw each other everyday. When she told me she had to go to Australia, I was devastated. She was my only friend. I miss her so much. We used to Skype call and phone each other all the time, but we just lost contact. She was my only friend. It has been 2 years now and I still have no friends. I'm a nerd to the school - like you.

"I guess I'm not perfect. We both have our unwanted lives. So I'm happy I found someone like me, and someone to open up to."

"Same, Harry. I feel the same." I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked into his deep, green eyes. "I can be here for you and you can be here for me. For once we both can feel like we actually do belong. I'll stick by your side only if you do the same." Harry nodded with agreement and wrapped his arms around me, giving me a squeezing hug.

I rubbed his back with small circles, trying my hardest to comfort him. I don't really know how to comfort someone, but my father comforted me all the time and I guess I am trying to copy his actions. I guess it is working because Harry nuzzled his head into my shoulder.

We finally separated from our embrace but in silence. I heard the lunch bell ring. Wow, is it already time to eat? Thinking of lunchtime, I am quite hungry and even my stomach is rumbling.

"Do you have any food? I can see that you are hungry." Harry asked with concern. I shook my head.

I normally buy my food at the canteen, so I have no food with me.

Harry scrambled over to his backpack on the other side of the janitors room, and pulled out a sandwich wrapped in plastic. Then he sat back next to me. Because the sandwich was already cut in half, he gave me one half, and he gave himself the other.

I looked inside the sandwich, wondering what fillings are in there.

"Sliced tomato, lettuce, cheese and chicken. Are you okay with that?" Harry answered my questions by making me think he read my thoughts.

"Yeah I am, thanks." I said as I but into the sandwich. All flavours screamed delicious into my mouth. "Did you make this yourself?"

"Is it nice?"

"Nice? It's amazing! I actually haven't had a sandwich this good in ages! Why?"

"Then yes. I did make it."

I punched Harry playfully on the shoulder. "So you didn't want to admit to it unless it was good."

"Mhm." He hummed.

It's been over three hours now. All we have been doing is talking a bit more about ourselves, such as our favourite sports, what you eat for breakfast and what teachers do you prefer. It's great to get to know Harry better.

But being stuck in a janitors closet for over three hours can get quite boring.

"Let's play a game." Harry suggested.

"Depends on what game you suggest?"

"Let's play... Would you rather."

"Okay! I am starting. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with crazy chimpanzees, or angry bulls?"

"I would of never been in the elevator in the first place. I hate elevators." Harry smirked.

"Just choose one!" I urged, laughing between each word that came out.

"The chimpanzees. I could make friends with them."

"What goes through your mind?" I asked sarcastically.


"Really, Flirt?"

"Oi I'm not a flirt! And I was just joking! Your a good friend."I punched Harry playfully.

"Let's continue would you rather. We have another 2 hours left of school."

"Whatever you say, love."

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