15 facts about me (((:

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So i was tagged by spookyvinyls, thanks btw boo.

here it goesss...

1. i'm bisexual. Kissed both genders (boy & girl)

2. i have a big extended family.

3. i have 2 cats and a dog.

4. i have a brother, named Daniel. we're close, we hardly ever fight.

5. (SHOULD BE NUMBER ONE BUT OH WHALE) my name is Sarah, if you couldn't already tell lmao. don't have pronouns. (call me anything you'd like, no bad words plz)

6. i love so many celebs.

7. i love michael clifford, ashton irwin, niall horan, louis tomlinson, liam payne, zayn malik, justin bieber... etc lol

8. i'm actually married to michael btw (lol jk, i wish)

9. i'm somewhat out (of the closet)

10. i'm lame, but my family and morgan/billie disagrees.

11. i'm actually very caring, i believe i care to much.

12. i get attached to you quickly. (if you flirt / say nice things to me or about me)

13. i work at chick-fil-a, and i'm pretty much liked by everyone ((:

14. i had my birthday party today 🎉 (not a fact but yeah idc)



well that wasn't so hard... lol not 😂😂

i tag
AllynDustyWolf (lol sorry Cheyanne)

YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THE TAG, just tagged random people i follow lol (sorry)

byeeeeee xo

peace out ✌🏻️

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