Chapter 1

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Frosttiger leaped backwards, glaring at a grinning Hawkthorn. 

"What's wrong Frosttiger? Are you a scaredy-mouse?" He teased, chuckling. Glaring at his friend, Frosttiger pushed forward, "Don't do that Hawkthorn, what do you think I would of done had I thought you were Lionclaw or something?"

The broad-shouldered tom rolled his eyes, he moved out of the shadows, revealing his glossy short pelt that glimmered in the pale moonlight. "Oh come on, Frost. Cheer up, you're deputy now! That's something to be excited for! Besides, we caused allot of damage, I'm sure they're recovering, just like us." 

Frowning, Frosttiger glanced back and eyed Stonefoot, who was licking his shoulder, he glanced around and sighed, knowing that he wouldn't see Brokenpaw here as he was hurt pretty badly, as was Featherfur. 

He glanced around, Flamepaw, Stripepaw, and Brackenpaw were the only apprentices that joined them, the others stayed behind due to recovery reasons. The warriors that accompanied them was Iceheart, Ashspeck, Stonefoot, Hawkthorn, Silverwind, Sandycloud, and Dawnlight. It was significantly less than what he wanted but Graystar said it would be wise to leave many warriors at camp to defend it if Lionclaw decided to attack despite the heavy loss StormClan had caused. 

Glancing around once more, he sped forward and stood by Graystar, gazing down at the large clearing. Smallstar was sitting on the rock, gray splattered across his muzzle even more prominent in the light of the moon. Oakstar was mewing to him, eyes relaxed. 

Graystar glanced over at the tom, "Ready, deputy?" She smirked at the look he gave her before pointing her tail down. The cats rushed forward, slowing to a stop as they approached the two Clans. Smallstar looked up and instantly he was off Greatstones, he bounded over to the leader, mew urgent. "Is he gone? Have you taken care of him?" 

Graystar gazed at the leader, "Not completely, but we had a... situation." 

Smallstar glanced back at the group of cats and let out a yowl of alarm, "You all look battered and tired! You know you can skip the Gathering right?" He glanced worriedly at Graystar then the group following, "Eagletalon stayed back, he was wise to do so. You all look dead on your paws." 

Sadness washed over the surrounding cats, Graystar shook herself, "Well, since Foxstar is here we can start the Gathering." She mewed briskly before trotting off. Frosttiger followed and jumped next to Bloodclaw, who nodded to him. Hookclaw looked at him, confusion in her eyes, Cheetahfoot only blinked. Embarrassment running through him, he glanced up, eyes wide when he saw the view he now got. 

Moonlight made glossy, disheveled, spiky, wavy and everything in between pelts glow. The trees surrounding the clearing waved gently in the breeze, as did the slightly tall grass. Amber, green, blue, and everything else looked up at him, making him flinch slightly. He felt a tail on his flank, making him look up. Bloodclaw looked at him and nodded again, but this time reassuringly, making his heart calm down.

Smallstar looked dumbfounded but he followed the leader and jumped up. 

Smallstar moved forward, "Prey is good, we have many kits! Also, I'd like to report a fox that was trotting around, my warriors chased it off but I have no idea where it might turn up next. No sight of the dangerous warrior yet but we are alert and ready." With that, he backed up, Oakstar replacing him. 

"We, too, are alert and ready to attack. Icestars kits are now apprentices to Otterpelt and Mintleaf. Swiftpaw and Icepaw are their names now." All of the cats from each Clan called their names, though, Frosttiger thought it was probably because it was Icestars kits and not because they cared. "Other than that, prey has been running well though our river is beginning to dry up so I would like to remind all leaders and Clans make sure elders, kits, and queens are well hydrated." With that he backed up. 

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