Chapter 2 [revised]

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*dream while you are passed out* 

You floated in the air. The temperate was so cold but you didn't shiver. you looked around you as snow fell and your past memories floated around you in small crystal balls going on for as far as your little eyes could see. There was one memory, In a crystal ball that was larger than the rest. The thing was, you didn't remember that. 

Depicted in the crystal ball was you and Yuri laughing and skating on a pond, most likely in Russia. The snow swirled around you and there was a  dark forest in the background.

Yuri spoke up. "my grandfather used to read me this american poem all the time when we walked to this pond." He said. "wanna here it?" he asked. You nodded and kept skating.

"Whose woods these are I Think I know                                                      

His house is by the village though;                                                                      
He will not see me stopping here                                                                              To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer                                                                           To stop without a farmhouse near                                                                             Between the woods and frozen lake                                                                           The darkest evening of the year.                                                                         

He gives his harness bells a shake                                                                               To ask if there is some mistake.                                                                                 The only other sounds the sweep                                                                            
Of easy wind and downy Flake.

The woods are lovely dark and deep ,                                                                         But I have promises to keep,                                                                                       And miles to go before I sleep,                                                                                   And miles to go before I sleep."

You stood there in silence. it was a beautiful piece. 

"Who's the poet?" You asked.

"That's for me to know." He turned to look at you in the eyes. "And, for you to find out."

"Can we go? I'm getting really cold." You pouted. 

"Please don't go." He said, pain filling his voice. "I'll hug you."

The two of you rested on a bench that had been there for god knows how long. He wrapped one arm around you and kept the other by his side. You nuzzled your nose into his neck.

"hey y/n?" He asked.

"Hmm?" You replied. 

"Remember in Mexico when i asked you if you could come to Russia?" He asked. "I... I wanted to ask you something else too..." His voice became hushed.

"What's wrong?" You asked him, looking up. His face was bright red, redder than it would be from the cold.

"Erm... Do... You... Like me?" He asked. He looked like a baby about to cry. Your eyes widened.

"Yuri... I..."You started to blush. You didn't just like him. You wanted to freaking marry him.

"It's okay. I'm Fine. I get it. Can we still be friends?" He asked. You could feel the sadness radiating from him and it absolutely killed you to think you made him feel that way.

"Yuri. I don't like you. I love as much as Oliver Queen loves Felicity Smoke." (Someone please get my reference I can't alone ;-;)

"really?" he said looking up at you. "The Barry Allen to your Caitlyn Snow?"

You laughed a little.

He leaned in. "Can I?" He asked. You where shocked. Your stomach felt like it was on fire and alarms went off in your head.

"Yes you may." 

His warm soft lips pressed against yours and he pulled you closer to him and gently cupped your face. 

"You've got promises to keep y/n. Move on." He said. You gave him a confused look and pulled back. "Wake up." he smiled and kissed your fore head.


You woke up in the hospital. A monitor beeped next to you as you looked at your leg.

what happened? Skating.. Jump.. fell. Oh yes. I remember.  You thought. 

"Yuri?" You mustered to say. Your throat was dry and your lips were parched from being dehydrated. 

"Y/n! You're awake! I thought you would be passed out longer." he said in a worried tone, rushing and hugged you.

"How... How bad is it?" You asked. He squirmed a little and gave off an uncomfortable vibe.

You know that crawly, depressing feeling you get when someone tells you something you wish you didn't know. It's like a fire, a short excitement before the spark goes out and darkness envelopes the once lit. Then your stomach feels like it's carrying the burden of the world's sadness. 

Well at that moment, it was better to not know, rather than to know. You waited for him to say the dreaded words. The words That would fatefully lead you into the darkest pits of your mind.

And this is what he said. 

"It's bad." He said, failing to make eye contact. "Like Green Lantern with Ryan Renolds bad." 

Your breath quickened and your heart sank. And this was bad... Because Green Lantern live action was awful...  Not as bad as Batman with George Clooney...

"You tore your Achilles and broke you leg." he whispered. You had to strain your ears to hear. "With surgery and physical therapy it can helped but you won't be the same..." He said.

You gave a sigh of relief and slouched in your bed.

"Hey at least its not immpossiable right?" You smiled.

"It appears that legendary skater and Grand Prix winner two times in a row Y/n M/n L/n has retired from her skating career due to her injuries. It appears that she will not be skating for a few years perhaps over a decade." the reporter said. "What shame, I was looking forward to seeing her win in this year's Grand Prix Finals. let's take a moment of silence to pray that see will be alright and in hopes that her future will still be bright despite her injuries."

You didn't say anything. 

"no.. Yuri it's not true right, 'cause if it is I'm called total BS on this!"

"No... It can't be..." You yelled. A knot built up in your throat. 

"Y/n Please don't-" He started. You cupped his face. It was tear streaked and his bright green eyes where now the color of the pines in your dream. 

"please..." You leaned your fore head against his and whispered. "This isn't real."

he hugged you again. you gave up. The world around you crashed, obliterated down to the ground where no beacons of hope, no spark to start a fire, could be seen. The world was dark and desolate an unforgiving place where talents pay a price. You stopped crying. your ears rang with white noise. How does sadness sound like? Well, it sounds like emotional piano music, it sounds like the cries of a wife as her husband dies, it sounds like a heart beating to a slow stop. It soumds like that god damned SPCA animal shelter commercial that makes you cry all of the time. And for a moment, you contemplated the beautiful, deep dark forest on your dreams. 

"I guess I'm back at square one..." you whispered and smiled sadly. "Hey there's still hope..."

·|My Gravity|· Yuri Plisetsky x Reader [Under Revision] Where stories live. Discover now