Chapter 3 [revised]

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Mini A/N: play music when I tell you to. Or you can do whatever.

"Tell the doctor I'll be getting the procedure to stitch my achllies... I kinda of have no choice..." You said and wiped a tear off your face.

Your mood lightened. This would mean you would be staying in the hospital longer. But, it's for the greater good.

"But..." you started. "It would never be the same."

"Look. I'll try and... Figure something out. After all. You're my best friend." he said, while giving you a soft smile.

"Okay. Thanks." you said. You stared at the window that over looked the city. It was so calm and beautiful.

"Yuri." you whispered.


"I know you didn't mean to ask me if I wanted to go to Russia with you." you said and looked at him.

His eyes widened and he looked at you. He gave it a moment to sink in.

"Pssshhh what do you mean??'' his asked and broke eye contact. You nodded your head and smiled.

"Yuri Mr. Russian punk I know that you like me..." you stopped. "Do you?"

"W-what do you mean?! I don't like you! I don't like anyone! Jeez y/n give up." he said crossed his legs. Damn please no.

"Oh. Your mom is calling... she called 109 times..." Yuri said, handing you the phone.

"Hey mom." you croaked.

"Y/n?! Oh my goodness I was so worried I'm so sorry are you alright honey?!" she yelled.

"I'm going to be staying for a while for a surgery so I might not be home still a while..." You said.

"Alright y/n stay safe and come home soon... I love you honey." Your mom said into the phone with worry in her voice. She hung up after you said your good byes and you turned to Yuri.

"So... What do you want to do for now?" you asked. He shrugged.

"Viktor said left for Japan yesterday because the dog Makkachin swallowed down some dumplings in plastic wrap and they don't know if he'll make it." Yuri said.

"Oh man that sucks, I can't imagine if that happened to (pet name)." You said.

"So... Yuri is gonna visit today or tomorrow... I'll beat the little piggy to pulp in the next competition we have." (note from author: pretend the competition was in Mexico and not in Russia just for clarificlarification)

"Jebus Yuri, remind me how much you hate the couple huh? You like Viktor or something because I may or may not already ship Viktor and the little piggy." you said and bopped his nose.

"What?!!!" he shrieked.

"I was only kidding jeez...." you said and rolled your eyes. In the corner of your eye you saw him blush and look away.

"Oh. So you do like me?" you said.

"That's s-stupid! I-I don't like you!" he said.

"Really?" you said. "If you don't like me don't blink for 30 seconds." you said. Yuri's eyes widened.

"Fine." he said. 1... 15... 29... 30. He didnt blink.

"Oh... Okay..." you sighed and slumped in the hospital bed.

"Yeah. I told you so. Please fund the Yurio is ALWAYS Right Foundation." He mumbled and looked out thr window.

"Or maybe you're just a pussy." You said.

"Excuse me? Me? A pussy? That's a really bad one y/n." He replied and smirked.

You sighed in frustration and grabbed the back of his jacket, pulling him towards you.

"What the fu-" you hugged him and stood still.

"I'm fucking cold. And the I dont want the blanket I want mg best friend." You mumbled into his hair.





"You win."

"Anyways... What do plan on doing today? You better fucking bring me some (favorite sweet/pastry)." You said.

"I will I will I'm not that mean." He pouted.

He put in one earbud and put the other one in your ear and played some Logic.

>-¤🎧|Play music|🎧¤-<

"God yuri you know I hate/love this." You said.

"What?/ I love it that's why I played it." He replied.

Your eyes drifted off to the window, which you could see the whole city from.

Sun dogs made different sized circles and hexagons in your vision.

Your skating career meant so much. But you cant look at it as something horrible. EVERY situation bears something GOOD and something BAD.

Now you could go to college and get career as something else. You have time for other things.

Right now, your life and passion was in skating. We were not going to give that up right now.

Part of being a realist was that you recognized the pros and cons of every situation and made a list of them in your head.

Pros: Vacation time. More time with Yuri. More time with bestiez and more of mom's homemade food.

Cons: my leg is fucking broken. Probably looks like some mangled piece of shit from Rick and Morty under that cast.

"I'm fucking hungry. Go get me some fucking food." You told Yuri.

"Of course. Before you become even more dead inside." He mumbled and left the room.

As soon as he left you hobbled over to the window and lifted it up. Lol are these hospitals trying to get people to kill themselves?

You could feel the nice "fresh" city air flowing into the room and leaned against the window scil.

The door slowly creaked open and Yuri peeked in. As soon as he saw you close to the window he slowly backed out the room. Because he didn't give a fuck.

"Oh my God what a bitch." You whispered to yourself.

Then he came back in and looked around the room.

"I forgot the chocolate." He smiled.

"You got me chocolate?" You said.

You gave him a dead look.

"I love you." You said and grabbed the chocolate from his hand and unwrapped it.

"Nothing I wouldn't do for you y/n..." He whispered to himself and smiled.

"What was that?" You asked.

"Oh... Nothing." He said and smiled even more.

"Okie." You faintly smiled and continued eating your chocolate.

I been on the low I've been taking my time, I feel like I'm outa my mind. I feel like my life ain't mine...

·|My Gravity|· Yuri Plisetsky x Reader [Under Revision] Where stories live. Discover now