Zylia: Oooohhhh

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She really didn't want him to be troubled. She felt his pain as if it were her own. Tilting her head so that her hair fluttered against her cheeks, she murmured, "BerdarTheDragon... what's wrong?" "CinderTheDragon... it's, just..." CinderTheDragon slipped both of her hands into his, gazing into his determined but wretched orbs. "BerdarTheDragon... I'll listen."

He took a deep breath and gazed back into her vert depths with a look full of daring sadness, whispering, "It's just... I'm just no good, CinderTheDragon. I can never do anything right, heh. I guess, I'm sorry. I just ruin everything. I'll probably ruin this, heh. I... forget it. I just can't..."

CinderTheDragon listened quietly, pain flashing across her features as BerdarTheDragon recounted his sorrows. At last, he finished, and a moment of silence passed between them.

He seemed so wretched and unsure. She brought her head against his chest in reassurance, murmuring, "I... BerdarTheDragon, that's... that's something I've felt too. My legacy of failure... sometimes, sometimes I remember it again, and it hurts... just like that. ...You're not alone, BerdarTheDragon." CinderTheDragon brushed her fingertips against BerdarTheDragon's arm. BerdarTheDragon's eyes began to redden, and he abruptly pulled her into a fierce embrace. Her orbs widened at first, but then she too felt overwhelmed by emotion and succumbed to the warmth of his touch.

"You," BerdarTheDragon whispered, his breath hot on her ear. "As long as you're here, I'll be all right." They held each other as tears trickled down cheeks and dripped onto the shifting sands to be carried away into the sea. With time and soothing embraces, their pain dissipated into a mist swept out by the ocean breeze and into the setting sun. 

Cinder's Love StoryWritten By: Zylia!!! (Sorry Cinder I like this story!)Where stories live. Discover now