Chapter 1. Her

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The first thing i heard when i woke up for the first time that night was the sounds you would hear from machines in a hospital. I passed out again after hearing the sounds. I woke up for a second time hearing roars from who knows. The weird part was that i understood what the roars of whatever beast that was, as if i knew what it was saying which is near impossible because noone has been able to hear what an animal says in over 1,000 years and if you ask anyone, thats a pretty long ass time. I passed out again for the 3rd time that day. Yay. This time I stayed up, I wouldnt go and pass out again or go back to sleep and maybe never waking up again.       
    What if i never woke up again? And died. Not that i would mind, its not like i have a purpose here on this damned planet. All i am is a damn butler, beckoning to my master when he calls like a damned puppy.
  Maybe i should get into the real story of why im currently tied to a bed in a hospital room with a nasty ass sock in my mouth thats making me gag. And explain why i was passed out and kept passing out.
  It all started about a week ago, i was walking back home from hanging out at my friend Sharon's house. That night we had a few shots, talked about how she hates her damn period, and her abusive ass boyfriend who is lucky i dont kill. The only reason i wont is because hes a cop, and im sure as hell if i even touch a single hair on him, his little buddies will come out and probably arrest me especially since im a latino and pretty big height wise. People in this state dont like us Mexicans, and would love if we left. They hate one more race other than us, and thats the african americans, or what they like to call them the blacks. The people that hate us in our state and majoraly over populate us are the white and asian people. I dont know why they hate us so damn much, but i may have an idea on why. I think since were goodlooking and fit, that they automatically hate us even though wee are equally the same. People in america now in our days are very very frustrating. But anyways back to what i was talking about earlier since i kind of got off track.
  The night I was walking back home from sharons,a girl walked out from some bushes, looking as if she got in a fight with a wolf or vampire or a rabbid animal.
  I noticed how she had her hand clinging to her side where her kidney and ribs were, and thats when I saw the one thing that makes my stomache turn. Blood. I quickly ran to her taking of my shirt in the process and getting my swiss army knife and cutting it. To say she looked scared was an understatement, her knees buckled under neath her and i caught her just in time before she hit the hard cement floor, I slowly laid her down and told her that what im about to do may hurt and that i needed her to trust me even though im a complete stranger, suprisingly she trusted me enough to tell me that her name was Alice.
  I first checked to see if there was anything harmful in her wound. What i found astonded me. It was a piece of sliver and copper, i tried to ask her what happened but she looked frightened even trying to remember it, so i didnt push her to tell me. I slowly took out the piece of silver and copper. placing them on the hard ground beside me.
  I got my shirt and placed it gently but securely over her wound and brought her back to my place since she didnt want to go to her house, and i wasnt going to let her go  anyways.
  She stayed at my house for about 5 days before she said that it was time for her to go. I didnt want her to go but I had to. I made her give me any and every place that she could be at, and where I could reach her. She made me do the same. Thats were i messed up, and it  brings me back to why im tied to a bed with a sock in my mouth. She betrayed me.
- Time skip -
I knew she betrayed me. Why you ask, because she was the only one who knew about the farm and not the warehouse i went to every weekend. The reason i went to the ware house was to take care of some animals and childrem who did not have a home. I almost took  her there with me one day but decided against it
Instead i took her too a place about 67 miles west from there. I could never let anyone know about the ware house, so i took her to my great great grandmothers farm which has been passed down to me. I havent really maintained it because i dont make enough at my job serving as a butler. The day i was captured was the day i was over at the farm. I was looking around the place, and testing the soil and thinking that maybe i could take the children and animals from the ware house over here. They'd love it. But my thoughts were soon ruined by 3 men we all fought against each other and i only had one guy down, the other two mem seemed to be having a hard time against me as i against them. One of the men came charging forward, throwing a kick my way that was much too slow.
I grabbed him by his Ankle swinging him a little before throwing him and kicking him in his head. While i was distracted facing off the guy i just knocked out. The last man pulled out a neddle with serum and stuck it into the crook of my neck, letting darkness take over..
Whatever the serum was it seemed to have me knocked out and kept me knocked for a good amount of time because everytime i woke up i seemed to have passed out again. Untill the 3rd and last time i woke up which is when i woke up with each of my limbs tied up to a part of the bed i was currently laying on with a disgusting dirty rotten sock in my mouth.
  Out side the chambered door that i could bearly see since i was completly tied down, i heard a noise. The noise sounded like people yelling and a woman screaming as if someone had struck her or told her that her child had died. That scream was just so heart wrenching it made me want to see what wss happening to the poor girl. I then heard foot steps approach which snapped me out of what i was thinking. I quickly steadied my heart rate and brething and gently closed my eyes to make it seem as if i was still passed out, i almost forgot to make my body limp but just before whoever came in i did. Good, hopefully they wont suspect that im a awake i thought to myself as the door opened and quickly got shut and locked as if the person was trying to get away from someone who might want them dead.
The person who was in the room with me was panting and whimpering as if they were touching a bruise or deep cut. I couldnt exactly determine why the person was whimpering but it must of been because of something. Slowly but hesitantly i opened one eye and what i saw was shocking and breath taking. In front of my line of sight was Alice. She had bruises and cuts alomg her arms,legs and torso. She had blood caked on her hair line and a large red print across her olived skinned cheeck. I took in every cut, burn and bruise on her body that i could see and asked her the question she probably didnt want to hear.
"Who did this to you?"
She stilled for a moment before meeting my eyes and telling me

  "Im so so so sorry. I never meant for you to get mixed up in this, this is my fight and my fight only. The reason you are here is because you saved me and let me into your home and cared for me. You shouldnt have done any of that. The moment you saw me you must of thought i was involved in something because of the way i was hurt, any sane person would have this first thought in their head 'is she okay,and what is she involved in' at least thats what i'd think their first thought would be but instead you were probably thinking that you could help me which you did, and thank you for that but i think you should have left me to die.."
   I stared at her as if she had grown 3 heads, nope wait make that 4 because who would just leave someone there just to die out im sure as hell not many would and what i did I was proud of because i knew i helped someone in need but in return i got captured by some dude which was okay with me because i will not let her fight this battle alone.

Hi guys! Okay well um this is the first chapter i hope you guys liked it and I will try to update as sooooonnnn as possible.
  I honesty didnt get as far many words that i wanted too but its okay, ill make up for it in my next chapter i hope.
  If i have any and i mean any spelling errors please do so to tell me.
Also if you would like me to fix something about the chapter or want me to add a little bit of something more that fits the chapter i will gladly do it.
   Please please tell me if this was an okay chapter, THANK YOUUUU
For taking the time to read some of my book and if some of you dont like my book its cool, just dont leave hate on this or any other chapters of my book thank you!
And the characters are from your imagination but i will of course put what there facial features are like but they may be completly dufferent in your head lol, thank you! Bye ~Dez

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