Chapter 4 - Family

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Frisk's POV

The people were nice enough to buy us a hotel room for a few nights while Asgore and Toriel sorted everything out. For a small town, this sure was a big hotel. It fit all of us. There was a living room, 2 small bedrooms and a tiny kitchen. It was really nice. There were 3 beds and a pull out couch. It was perfect. There'd have to be 2 to a bed, and one on the pullout couch but that's fine.

The plan was that Toriel and Asgore will meet with the government people and leaders during the day, then stay with us at night. They said it might take a few days. Which is okay, I guess. We get a free hotel room. Can't complain.

"Sans! This hotel has free shampoo!" Papyrus suddenly yelled.

"Uh, Papyrus? You don't have hair! You don't need shampoo!" Undyne yelled back.

"But it's free!" Papyrus yelled.

Everyone laughed, and shook their head.

"Forget the free soaps. There's free food here. Who wants to go down and get food with me? We can bring it back up for everyone." Sans said.

"I'll help you!" I call out. Sans smiles and walks out the door.

"This way, kid."

Sans starts heading in the opposite direction of the food.


He gave me a look. Oh, right. I just shut up.

Suddenly we fazed out then appeared in the dining area. Man, that's always felt so weird.

"Get some grub, kid. Your HP is still pretty low. Why didn't you heal up?"

Oh. I guess I did forget to heal properly. I forgot that Sans can see that. I need to be more careful around him. He worries too much.

"I was a little busy with other stuff." I saw Sans roll his eyes.

"You had plenty of food to heal up didn't you? It's really important that you do kid. I know you died multiple times anyway, but when you finally made it all the way through you were weak. Should have used a turn to heal up. Fill your plate up."

Damn. He's been way more protective lately. Wonder if there's any reason.

"Alright, alright. I get it. Quit lecturing me."

"Come on, kid. I'm just doing what I need to do."

"I know.. Sorry."

He gave me an empathetic smile then turned back to the food.

We filled a few plates up for everyone then went back to the hallway.

"Stay still, kid."

Sans teleported us back to the room, surprising everyone.

"Hey punks! What took ya so long? I'm starving!" Undyne called out.

"Sorry! Uncle Sans was lecturing me again!" I said while laughing.

"You'll thank me later, kid." Sans said with a small smile.

That worried me a bit, but I smiled back and put the food down. Undyne dug into hers right away causing me to giggle.

"What, punk? Never seen a hungry fish before? Fuhu!"

I simply just shook my head with a smirk and got my food. I went to sit on the couch in the living room. Everyone joined me after getting their food.

On the couch was Sans, me and Papyrus. It was a three seater. Undyne and Alphys sat on the smaller, two seater couch together. We ate in silence for a few moments.

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