close calls

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After geography, every lesson went smoothly, I didn't have anymore tun-ins with ash and his friends and I wasn't late for anymore lessons. God only knows what dad would have done to me if I had been.

On my not-so-merry walk home a car slowed down beside me, shrugging it off as an awkward moment of 'oh I know y- wait no I don't' I continue walking. 5 minutes later and the car is still following me with tinted windows and dents in the sides, If I speed up, the car speeds up and vice versa.

looking to my left, I notice a familiar face in the windscreen, the only window not  tinted. Fucking ash and his asshole friends.

"Why are you following me?!" I scream, knowing full well I don't need to.

"Princess, we only want to know what happened at the diner, is that too much to ask?" Oh god, ash's pulling out the puppy dog face.... I'm screwed. I start gnawing at my lip, debating whether to just tell them, they could help..Right?

No you doofus! DAD remember! He'll beat you to a bloody pulp before letting them help you and by the time they manage to get child services down there the light'll be fading from your eyes and you'll be going towards the light!!

Shaking my head out of my morbid thoughts, I simply state "Well it's no biggie, I just hit the table at the wrong angle" I force a look of innocence on my face and hope and pray they believe me. If not, then they're in for a shock.

"oh, alright." Ash looks dejected.... does he know I lied to them? I nervously chuckle "ha, well then I'll see you guys around" with a small smile, I'm off and walking Down the road.

Unfortunately Ash and his friends don't take a hint and speed up the car to match my pace. Caden's face is visible through the window and he doesn't look convinced.

"Ana, if you just hit the table wrong, why can't we check it?" His face is beside Ash's now and both of them are looking at me with an eyebrow raised, its quite comical really.

"I didn't want to show you guys, I got embarrassed and really couldn't deal with showing you guys straight after"
Suddenly, jace makes and appearance and then 3 of the 5 musketeers are crammed into the front of the car.

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing and fell to the floor in tears.


Sorryyy!! I haven't updated in forever.


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