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Phil's hand was pulled from mine when he entered his closet to change. But I smiled, sitting on the chair just outside of it.

"I don't understand why my closets aren't connected to my room. It's strange." He shouted through the door. I chuckled.

"This castle took 108 years to build. They're going to cut a few corners." I heard Phil throw his blouse to the ground, the beads hitting hard against the stone floor.

"Better fold that." I shouted to him.

"I pay people for that." He chuckled, and I heard him pick it up. "Only joking. This is my favourite shirt." I smiled, and leant back in my chair, putting my hands behind my head.

It suddenly hit me, out of nowhere, that Phil was the prince. I knew this, of course, but I was so quick to forget that nearly a year had passed since he and I had spoken. When he was still sleeping, when he was still cursed, I would look down on him, and I wouldn't see Phil. I'd see the prince, the prince I had to save, somehow, though I didn't know how.

But now, Phil was back. Phil, who emerged from his closet in a rough canvas top that I could have sworn belonged to me, Phil, who smiled at me, his arms outstretched as he turned for me to see better. Phil, who threw the rest of his clothes he had chosen for the adventure at me and returned with a bag to put them all in. Phil, who said it was time to go twice before I realised he was speaking.

"What? Oh, yes, let's." I said, shaking my head. He smiled, and slipped his hand in mine again. "You look nice." I found myself saying as we continued along to the kitchens.

"Why thank you, Daniel, you are ever so kind." He chuckled, and flung his bag over his shoulder.

We had made it barely twenty steps when we bumped into the queen.

Face white, I dropped Phil's hand like it was poison. Her Majesty's eyes bore into my soul, but to my relief, she didn't say anything but "Please meet me in the throne room," and continue on her way. Phil watched her go with sad eyes.

"Well. Let's go." I said, shifting my hand subtly so as to not let Phil grab it. He sighed, and followed me.

In the throne room, everyone who had previously been in Phil's room, plus a priest, stood in sloppy rows, shifting uncomfortably. None of them wanted to be there. Phil looked around, a realization dawning on him like the sun, whereas I was completely in the dark. Phil smiled encouragingly.

The queen sat on her throne, a sword in her hand. Was she going to execute me?!

"Daniel. Come forth." I felt my heart drop, and Phil fell away from me as I approached the queen, kneeling at her feet. I gulped, not wanting to say anything.

"Daniel. Though unorthodox, today, you are to be knighted. I would trust my son with nothing less."

My stomach leapt into my throat, and, with the fear of choking, I just nodded.

"A knight must follow a code. He would always defend a lady. He would speak only the truth. He would be loyal to his lord. He would be charitable and defend the poor and helpless. He would be brave. He would give his life to protect the royal family. Do you accept this code of knighthood as your own moral compass, until death part you from this mortal world?" I couldn't breathe. This is what I've wanted since I was twelve. This is what I've wanted my whole life. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"Of course, your majesty." I almost whispered.

"Then, by the power vested in me by the church and by the mighty kingdom of Phantasia, I hereby dub thee, Sir Daniel." And, feeling like I was on a cloud, I felt the gentle tap of her sword on my shoulders. Then, I felt her warm breath on my ear. "Don't make me warn you again. I've given you what you want. Don't make me take it away." And, before I could fully comprehend exactly what she had said, she pulled back.

"Arise, Sir Daniel." I stood in a hase, everything seemingly white and misty.

"Huzzah!" I heard a single voice from the crowd. Phil's. My smile became wider at the sound of his voice. But, at the queen's glare, my face straightened.

"Thank you, your majesty." I said under my breath. She nodded, and sat back down in her throne. "You won't regret this."

"I should hope not." I turned, making brief eye contact with Phil, before she spoke again. "And Daniel?" I turned to her, and she smiled, her royal wall falling away for a second as I looked into her eyes. "Keep him safe, will you?"

"Of course, your majesty." I said once more, and then returned to Phil, who smiled like he had no other care in the world.

Just wait, my love, I found myself thinking. Something ominous lies ahead.

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