V. Meet the Nimbus Royalty

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"Uhh Spark, what happened to your hair?" Cypress asked, trying to catch up with me while I stormed the halls of the Granite Fortress that led to the dining room. "You hair, it changed color." She seemed confused.

My hair was always like this whenever I got angry or excited. The usual color would be auburn with pitch black tips as if he ends were burnt. But whenever I got angry, they tips would become red and the base would become dark orange. I don't exactly know why my hair does this.

"Just don't mind it."

I didn't talk or even look at Cane or Ty. I didn't know how to react to the news that they were the princes of Nimbus. They had kept it a secret from me all this time. Not to mention the fact that I looked like a total idiot in front of the king. They stayed behind after the king told us to go to the dining room for dinner.

"I can't believe those guys!!" I finally let out. "Why would they hide that quintessential fact from me? As far as I know, I've been their only real friend."

Cypress didn't say anything. It was probably better that way.

The door to the dining room was similar to the door of the throne room, large. It had a plaque that said "Dining area". Copper pushed the door open and it creaked slowly. The interior was grayish white in color, marble perhaps. There were dark blue curtains draped around the room. To the head of the table, which was to our left, was a large flag with silver tassles hanging down on the wall with the crest of Nimbus. It had two rows of pillars which lined the sides of the table that was as long as the room.

The table was covered with a royal blue mantle embroidered with silver thread. On top of the table were covered trays and at the center of the table was a small fountain with water that changed color as a centerpiece. Paintings were hung on the walls between each column. They depicted some scenes of the four phases but were mostly about Claude and how he created mountains and rain.

"J-Just wait for his M-Majesty to arrive. He ha-has some I-important issues t-to attend to. Unti-til then, just s-sit on your assigned p-places." Copper directed to me, Cypress, Bay and Cove. He then went out the other door near the side of the head of the table.

I found a card with my name written in script. I sat on the chair that was at the side of the main door and one chair away from the head of the table. Cypress was at the opposite side of the table, just to the right of the head. Bay was a chair away from her and beside him was Cove. The whole length of the table had only eight chairs but they only occupied half of it and each chair was almost a meter away from the other chair. Just to give you an idea.

The four of us were gawking at the enormity of the marble room and it's columns when the doors behind me slammed open like someone forcefully pushed them open. I turned around and saw Cane. He looked angry, the first I've ever seen him. He caught me looking at him and I immediately looked away. I became furious again. Slowly, the chair directly to my left moved. Cane sat beside me and only then did I realize that there was a card with his name beside mine.

I could see from my peripheral vision that his look of anger had subsided. He became quiet and didn't lift up his head. I saw Cypress looking at me like she was worried. Soon enough, Ty went in the room. He was wearing his jacket which I threw at him when they chased after me. I felt sorry for him. He sat between Bay and Cypress. When he saw me, he smiled anxiously, like he was afraid of what would happen next.

Surprisingly, the little girl with the silver hair and white eyes walked out of the back door and sat beside me. I then saw Cane and Ty's eyes fill with glee and hope.

"You're that girl who smells like Ty." She said to me silently.

"It's Spark, actually." I told her.

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