XIV. Farewells

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"There you go." Ty said as he put his jacket over my shoulders.


I'm baaack! Spark Smoulders, at your service!

It was freezing cold. Regardless, the twins and Silvie felt nothing.

It had been a month after Ty proposed and nothing else super exciting or worthy of mentioning happened. Today looked like it would be heading for an uneventful ending so we were grateful when the king offered to take us out on a little trip to a warehouse filled with frozen products for sale. Bay was still practicing with Seizure while Cypress and Cove went to the capital to hang out. Yes, Cypress and Cove hanging out. Who would've thought right? 

The twins told me the warehouse was their father's small-not so small business venture that was recommended to him by his doctor. It was somewhat like a suppressant, something to keep him busy.  Something like the one back at the fortress where the king stored his sculptures, which is why the twins and I felt a little uncomfortable and awkward staring at its vastness. 

"Just go around and get anything you want. I'll be back later. I just have to talk with the manager." The king told us and left. The king's children relaxed at his absence.

"Race you guys to the ice cream section!" Cane declared and flew off.

Ty followed but noticed that I stayed behind. "Come on, Spark!" He said as he waited above the twenty-foot shelf filled with canned whatsits.

I wasn't used to not having to rely on them anymore when flying. It made me feel sad but I also felt proud of myself. At least I was able to learn one thing from the Nimbus program. At least I wouldn't be a burden to them anymore.

I inhaled, which caused a kind of cooling sensation all over my body. It gave me chills. It was like the opposite of using my powers. I held my breath and felt a tug at my back.

My feet lifted off the ground and I wobbled upward. To my horror I almost fell back down but Ty grabbed my wrist and held me up. UGH. So much for my previous statement.

Flying was supposed to feel like freedom, and when I could finally gain control in the air it felt really good but, I couIdn't help but feel like this was all being forced upon me. I HAD to learn how to fly or else I would be useless as a rep. It made me feel like a joke. It was just like I was farting my way through the air, one toot at a time.

Ty dragged me through the enormous warehouse, all white and blue with huge pyramids and aisles of frozen products rising from the icy ground. The many people who were shopping there looked like tiny ants flying and swarming for their share. 

We stopped where there were several rows of freezers that ran the length of the warehouse. Cane was already hovering above it with a childish grin on his face. 

"Welcome to ice cream paradise!" Cane sang as he spread his arms to the side. "Chocolate chip blueberry cheesecake deluxe, here I come!" He said then dived down to the freezers.

I felt curious. "Ice cream? Isn't that the cold milky thing you lick from a wafer?"

Ty chuckled. "It's called a cone, and yes. But here, we can get them by the pint."

"Ooohhh..." I said just as a filler, since I am completely oblivious to ice cream terminologies.

Cane came swooping back up "I'm gonna go look for the chocolate chip blueberry cheesecake deluxe. Let's go Silvie! I'm gonna get you your cookie-dough." Cane held Silvie's hand and flew off again. Silvie waved goodbye.

Ever since Ty's proposal, Cane's been avoiding hanging out with the two of us. I guess I understood why, it's probably awkward for him to see us but I kinda missed the guy. I felt guilty at the thought.

A Case of CatastrophesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz