Don't ruin the moment Draco

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Thank you Arbutus-blossoms for letting me use their fanart for this fic, it just inspired this cute scene.
They're tumblr is linked here:

The wind was blowing gently on Harry's face, causing black curls to move with it, it was a cool breeze and Harry tilted his head towards the direction of the cool on his cheek.

He took in a content sigh and concentrated on the feel of happiness, peace and relief he felt from his toes to the top of his head. He felt a hand intertwine with his and his mouth tugged into a smile. This was why he was here after all, the one and only reason he felt happy. The one and only person who after a hard day he could turn to and find relief.

He opened his eyes and looked at the horizon. All he could see was sky, the sun was setting, turning that beautiful yellow amber colour. The clouds were tinted orange and it blended into yellow. The very tops of the clouds were a delicate purple that buffed so easily into the orange and pastel pink. And the sky was still a beautiful blue colour.

Harry looked to the side and looked at Draco. His blonde hair was being blown gently with the wind and he looked deep in thought. Harry looked at the way his eyelashes were so light and soft just like the his hair. He licked his lips and Harry's eyes were drawn to them, they were a soft pink and Harry still remembered the first time they ever kissed.

As if Draco could sense Harry looking at him Draco looked at Harry and smiled. The real genuine smile he gave Harry after their first date. The same genuine smile that Harry could never get enough of.

Harry stepped closer to Draco so they're arms were touching. They had been seeing each other ever since they were twenty and accidentally hocked up while drunk on firewhiskey. Now they were twenty four, well Harry was twenty four, and Draco was twenty five and everything just felt so right. Harry didn't ever want this to end. They were already living together in an apartment that was just ''mutually beneficial' to get together but Harry knew when Draco brought it up it ment move in with me. 

Harry wanted to stay with Draco forever, this dawned on him when Draco got violently ill one day and Harry wouldn't let go of his hand all the way to the hospital. He had gotten better but Harry knew he never wanted to leave Draco. Which was why one day while walking around London Harry walked nervously into a ring shop and got a wedding ring.

So reaching into his pocket, Harry's fingers found the black velvet box he was all too familiar with. Taking a deep breath Harry got prepared to ask. Draco, who was looking at him confused, watched and as Harry suddenly took Draco's other hand and dropped onto one knee. His eyes widened and his jaw went slack.
"Draco, ever since that day when you got sick I realised how much you mean to me. Umm would you want to..will you.."
"Yes" Draco interupted.
"You didn't let me finish" Harry said grinning.
"Yes. Yes yes" Draco said tears now in his eyes.
Harry opened the box and took the ring out, sliding the ring onto Draco's hand, with Harry's hands shaking slightly.

When Harry was up on his feet again Draco pulled him into a tight hug and they stood like that, wrapped into each others embrace and smiling excessively.
"So when's the wedding?" Draco asked teasingly.
"Shhhh don't ruin the moment Draco" Harry whispered back, relaxed fully into Draco's body.
Harry could feel Draco smile and Draco tilted Harry's head up gently and leaned in.

They kissed slowly but surely, while the sun started to set completely behind them and the clouds started to darken. It was a beautiful moment in the beautiful sky.

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