yeah I know, I just don't have a lot of time anymore?? sorry guys (especially to those who entered the last contest), but I don't have time at the moment to read everyone's entries, make prompts, etc. due to busy schedules. I don't have a lot of free time anymore, but when I do I'm too exhausted to do anything. Adding school, homework, practices (sports and band), plus other things that are personal, I don't have time to check everything. But once I do, I promise I'll start updating again, until then this book is on hold (a break is coming up soon and I'll have a week off, but I have projects to work on then, so maybe an update will come), and to everyone who entered the last one, sorry, but I've decided to cancel it due to it being so long after I uploaded it. Sorry for the rant, I'll talk to guys soon, comment if anything needs to be answered, etc. thanks for being patient
Bye for now,