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Joey had just gotten back after getting his nails done a sparkly emerald. He couldn't wait to show Daniel in school tomorrow. He was hungry but didn't want to mess his nails cooking and so stopped at McDonald's to get a salad but instead saw a new burger for sale. He decided one burger wouldn't affect his slim body. As he chewed into the fatty meat, heaven filled his mouth. He wanted, no, needed more. He got another two, saying he would burn them off later. When he arrived home he dashed upstairs to his bed admiring his new nails. Next time he'll take Daniel to get his done.

School Day
Joey awoke, excited to see Daniel and happy that his stomach had deflated. At least he thought it had. In reality, his shirt was so tight you could see his now deepened belly button through it. As he approached Daniel, his shirt rode up slightly, revealing a slither of his distended stomach. "H-hi Joey. You look...different," Daniel stuttered awkwardly.
"Oh hi Danny. Yeah, I know. I got my nails done, do you like them?"
"Um yeah. Gorgeous," slurred Daniel, his eyes fixed on Joeys swollen gut. He'd never told anyone but he really liked fat guys.
"You really think so? You wanna come with me next week?"
"Yes! Um I mean sure. That's so far away though, why not go on a date tomorrow?"
"O-okay! See you then!"
Joey kissed Daniel on the cheek, and waddled quickly away, not noticing Daniels huge erection.

That Night
Joey was so excited to go on his date with Daniel. He wanted his nails to be perfect though, so he decided to get another one of those delectable burgers. Or two. They were just. So. Good. He collected his order of three burgers and fries then hopped on a bus ride home. He scoffed all the fries and 1 burger on the 10 minute ride, another burger on the minute long walk home, and the last alone in his room. Sauce dripped onto his swollen stomach when his sister, Nicole walked in.
"Joey, maybe you wanna lay off the fast food?"
"NO! I have a date tomorrow and I'm not ruining my nails by cooking up some healthy meal!"
As Nicole stormed out, Joey snuggled under the covers, only to find his legs were still chilly. He looked down to see his duvet was resting on a giant ball where his six pack should be. Oh well he thought. It'll deflate by tomorrow. But it didn't. And Daniel loved it.

Date Night
Joey tugged a tight shirt over his gargantuan gut, love handles poking out. He met Daniel at the restaurant and saw he had done his nails the same as his own. He was so ecstatic that Daniel had done that for him he didn't notice that he jiggled when he walked.

Joey ordered the house special, which just happened to be a fatty burger. He then ordered another. And another. He was now fully aware of his stomach poking out and innocently asked Daniel to feed him, seeing how his eyes lit up when he began shovelling food in his mouth. However, he found it unfair that Daniel was so skinny. Sure he had a little pooch but he always had that. Joey forced Daniel onto his seat then shoved a few burgers down his throat, ignoring the strange looks from other restaurant goers. As Daniels stomach inflated, Joey noticed their stomachs rubbing together and wanted to go further. He quickly paid and rushed to his bedroom, the two boys disrobing (they're 16 in this, it's legal in the uk) and tumbling onto the bed.

Sexy Sexy Fun Time
After they climaxed, they lay together, cuddling. And as Joey looked at the mammoth boy with his nails painted like his own, he knew life would be good.

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