Like an Unfinished Puzzle *Toshiro Hitsugaya fan-fiction*

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The sword pulled out of Anami's body, making the red crimson blood all around her color the surrounding water in a deeper shade of red; in the middle of the ocean. All alone, in a quiet, isolated place wasn't the way she pictured dying; but the guilt and lonliness finally got to her to the point where she couldn't stand living anymore. Her legs felt so heavy, her mind so foggy, until she finally went under. She could hardly breathe, hardly see, hardly move; yet she was content with the idea of her short-lived life ending at this very moment.

There was one thing that bothered her, one thing that she regretted never doing confessing.

One person stood out in the back of Anami's mind, bringing tears to her chocolate eyes. He was the reason for her dramatic decision, he was the reason for her pain, grief, and sorrow. He was everything to her. He was her reason of living and her reason for surviving.

He is Toshiro Hitsugaya, Anami's Captain.

Anami is just a lonely, weak, doubtful 5th seat in squad 10; which only 5 people in the entire Soul Society would bother to care about her. Those were Rangiku, Toshiro, Izuru, and the other two were childhood friends that are still in the Rukon District. No one else even bothered to look her way or talk to her.

Now here she is, dying underwater, the water around her in a blood red state. The water moved around her as if red curtains would move with the wind. She could feel herself drift off, her eyelids slowly closing, her numbness increasing to her face, no longer feeling the coldness of the water.

She slowly started drifting to sleep, until she felt a slight pull of her arm bringing her back above. She felt the warmness, of what she recognized as air, envelop her entire body, making her feel again.

"Please don't die." she heard a faint whisper say. Anami tried to move or give a small sign that she wasn't dead, but the deepness of her cut and the heavy water in her lungs made it impossible to move.

"Wake up, Anami. Please wake up!" she heard the same voice say again. The urgency, the pain, the helplessness inside the voice was all noticeable to her, so it made her wonder: Who would care about her this much? Who would care about her at all??? These question encouraged her enough to open her eyes and look at her savior.

Anami couldn't see, couldn't figure out who the person, until one feature stuck out like a sore thumb. Even though the only lighting was the moonlight from the full moon, she could clearly see the white strands of her...

"...Captain?" she croaked out. Her voice was very raspy, her throat stung with the foul taste of the murky water; which was now out of her sight.

Toshiro looked over to the 5th seat with relief, worry, sorrow, and... admiration. The truth of the workaholic captain was that he looked up to his 5th seat. He admired her strength to go on with life, to smile whenever it was the worst of times, being determined and willing to complete the impossible, even if she was just a 5th seat; there was nothing wrong with that. Those were just some of the reasons, but the main reason was because of her awestruck beauty.

Her white blond colored hair, her deep brown eyes that seemed to shine anytime, not to mention her mysterious personality, it seemed as if she was perfect for him. She was also helpful in Rangiku's drinking problems and offered to stay all night to finish the over-due paperwork, never stopping to sleep and never stopping because she feels tired. She was strong willed, determined, had amazing stamina, and usually stands out for her quietness.

Not many people get to know her; in fact, her own captain hasn't even greet her. Was it because he was too busy, or doesn't know what to say, or simply because he doesn't want to stutter on his own words? It was because of all of those reasons.

"Stay with me Anami." he said desperately and hopeless. He wanted her to live more than anything, and right now he can do nothing but watch her drift off into death. No kido can help her injury, since it had cut through her vital internal organs and damaged her nervous system. She was helpless, yet she saw it as an opportunity.

She used every ounce of strength she had left to raise her hand to her captain's cheek, making him turn to her. She leaned his head down and kissed his lips; kissed his lips goodbye. Her captain's eyes were wide open, in shock. Her hand slipped out of his hair, she looked into his eyes, and whispered, "I love you." loud enough for him to hear. Her eyes started to shut slowly.

"No don't die!" was the last thing she heard before she closed her eyes.

Like an Unfinished Puzzle *Toshiro Hitsugaya fan-fiction*Where stories live. Discover now