Like an Unfinished Puzzle *Chapter 10*

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*Anami's p.o.v*

'Wake up.'


'Wake up, Anami.'


'For damn sakes just wake up!!!'

I woke with a jolt. Shooting up from my position, I immediately start to panic. Around me is a beach, beautiful beach, but how did I get here? I have to admit, it's an amazing sight; however, this place gives this... feeling or aura about it that gives off a vibe that I can't explain. I just don't want to stay here.

I get up only to see that I'm not in my usual shinigami robes. Instead I'm wearing a short, white dress that comes up to my knees with a slight train that reaches to the sand. I don't really think of it much though, and I just start walking.


Well... that's a good question.

"And that's a good answer."

I turned behind me, only to see nothing at all, just the wind blowing the sand and the waves crashing on shore. I turned to other directions, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of the voice's figure.

"Hello?!" I screamed out. "Is anyone there?!"

"No I'm just a voice created by a figment of your imagination," a sarcastic voice replied.

"Honestly just give her break. You're just cranky because of what she did," a different voice spoke out in response to the first one. This one sounded actually pretty familiar, but it's no one I've met yet.

After a few minutes of searching, I gave up and continued ahead. About 20 minutes of walking, I was started to get frustrated. This place was absolutely barren. There was nothing I sight, no trees, no buildings, no people... nothing! Just endless sand in all directions as far as the eye can see and an ocean on my right side. Also, its insanely hot here, probably close to the 100's in degrees. I could only probably see 5 feet in front of me before the sun's heat waves start to obscure my line of vision. So why exactly am I still walking? Maybe I'm just hoping that I'll see something if I head in one direction? But what if I'm going the wrong way?

Well... guess there's only one way to find out.

And so here I am now, after I don't know how long and how far I've walked, I started running towards a dark shadow in my sight. Maybe it was a human? I hope so because I'm just damn tired of walking in the firetrucking dessert.

But my hopes were crushed when I saw a few feet in front of the thing and suddenly... It was much bigger than a human. I'm not exactly sure as to what this... thing is, but it was too big to be anything I have ever seen, bigger than a skyscraper even.

"What the hell?" I said out loud to myself.

I didn't expect an answer, but I got one anyway. "Confusing, isn't it?" Once again, I looked around, only to find nothing but my shadow. It was getting hotter, increasing by the second, and hearing things isn't really helping. My hand instinctively starts fanning me, giving little to no air blown to my face. Sweat profusely trickles down my face, and suddenly, I found everything unbearable. My hair, the dress even the sand on my sandal-ed feet made me want to scream and curse at nothing. My breath starts to come out in heavy pants, making my chest rise and fall dramatically. I walk up to the massive object until I was directly in front of it. The shade it provided was a relief to my aching body as it gave me some mercy against the unforgiving sun. I was flooded with a feeling of wanting to climb it, so I figured I had nothing to lose and grabbed onto the wooden column, picking up my own weight as my feet left the ground.

Like an Unfinished Puzzle *Toshiro Hitsugaya fan-fiction*Where stories live. Discover now