Chapter 10 - Questioning

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My head started to hurt, pounding, giving me the awful feeling of dizziness and headaches. I felt like every single molecule of air was pressing on my head, not letting me think straight. I sat up on the bed and realized a bit of light was shining through the curtains that weren't completely closed, the small ray of pain hitting me in my right eye. More pain fell on me, making me want to sleep away the pain. I looked down at the beautiful white sheets that surrounding me, creating unique creases. I then realized I had nothing on. Only covers covering my bare skin. No wonder they were called covers. I turned around and noticed I was in a hotel room. I didn't remember ever entering the room or getting undressed to fall asleep. But I did remember a strange feeling. A feeling I hadn't had in a while, but couldn't quite describe or recall to detail. I saw some of my clothes on the floor, but I also noticed things that didn't belong to me along with it...

My head stopped pounding. I knew something was off, something didn't feel right... I looked around the room once more and saw a big bulk underneath the rest of the sheets from the other side of the bed. The another bed across the room was nicely made, no wrinkles on the pillows. I looked back to the bed I sat on and noticed bits of dark brown hair sticking out from the sheets...

Did I sleep with a girl last night? When did I get drunk? I know Amanda did something terrible to me, but I am in no state to be sleeping with random girls from bars... I thought. But, did I go to a bar last night? No, that doesn't sound right. What did I do last night? What even happened last night that got me here? Should I talk things out with her? Should I just leave? No, I'm not like that. I just have to stick around until she woke up to talk to her about what will happen next. Who knows, maybe she will be a beaut

"Bout time you woke up." The person mumbled. Weirdly enough, her voice was pretty deep for a girl.

"Yeah, sorry, my head hurts a little." I touched my forehead, hoping the pain would wear off with a couple of rubs.

"I mean, you were totally drunk last night. Hope you don't regret what we did." The figure shuffled around the bed, uncovering themselves.

"Ma— Matty? What the hell are you doing here? No, what the hell ma I doing here?"

He gave me a wide smile, touching the left side of his face. "Good morning. Man, you were so much fun."

"What? Wha— What are you talking about? What, wha—"

He cut me off. "Long story short, you got drunk over Amanda, cried a shit ton, and then asked for me to bang you," he giggled. "You actually asked for permission too. Man, what a handsome gentleman you are."

I got up from the best as fast possible, a little bit threw off by the comment. But, I was too late to realize what I had done. I gripped a part of a sheet as fast as possible and wrapped it wound me. "I don't know what you are talking about... I'm— I'm sure you drugged me or something for me to do such things with you. I only like girls you know."

"Are you sure about that?" He bit his bottom lip. "I mean, you got all rambunctious last night. I doubt you only like girls."

"LIKE YOU SAID!" I got defensive. "I was drunk, maybe I didn't know what I was doing. Or maybe you're lyin—"

"'Maybe?'" He spoke. "Hmm, there was no maybe. You definitely were. But a man who is completely drunk would never ask for permission. I'm sure you knew, at least by a little bit, what was going on."

I didn't speak. I had no defense to his argument. But I had to think first. Not only of what I had to respond but also to what really did happen. Weirdly enough, curiosity won me over. "Was it good?" I blushed, wondering why I had spoken without thinking. Man, I was so stupid.

"Hmm..." That little twat was actually thinking about what I just asked. "At first, no. You were all over the place, but not really knowing what you were doing. But after a couple of minutes, you took control and got really passionate about it. I will say, the last couple of minutes just blew mew away. You don't have to worry about Amanda leaving you because you weren't good at bed. On the contrary, you were amazing." He never looked at me when he spoke those words. It's like he was avoiding eye contact on purpose and maybe was a bit ashamed of it.

I stood in silence, not really knowing what I should do next. "Well, there is nothing I can do about it know. Just know that I a straight man, who got a bit carried away by the influence of alcohol and was heartbroken."

"So you're not heartbroken anymore?"

I was a bit confused. "What do you mean?"

"You said, 'who got a bit carried away by the influence of alcohol and WAS heartbroken.' So you're feeling better know?"

"I— I guess... I don't know anymore. Listen, I'm still a bit confused about this, so give me a break."

He laughed a little. "Okay, what ever. At least I did enjoy myself last night. Anyways, stop being so awkward about your privates. I sucked them last night and it was all over me too. It won't make a difference if you still cover them. It was bigger than I expect, to be honest." He grinned, getting up and taking some fresh clothes from his suitcase and putting it on.

I felt my face getting red, not really knowing if I still had any dignity left. What I did know, was that I didn't want to be naked any longer, and put some dirty and clean clothes from my backpack that I had taken from home when I left Amanda. Thankfully, most of my friends had let me use their washing machines, but I really needed some new clothes. I was sick and tired of wearing the same eight shirts over and over again.

We both got dressed, and he took his room key, wallet, and phone and put them in his pocket. "Josh, ready?"

"Yeah, let's go."

We left his room and got on the elevator. He checked his phone as we went down the many floors that held rooms that held people that held problems of their own.

"Hmm, looking Like, Ross, George, and Adam aren't felling their best right now. George might be catching up soon once he feels a bit better, but it doesn't look like Ross and Adam will be coming over anytime soon."

"Oh... Okay. Hope they feel better." I mumbled, still feeling a bit awkward about the situation.

"Yeah, me too..." The elevator stopped, and we walked out from the hotel. "So, wanna get breakfast? We can talk about everything and anything and ask as many questions as you'd like. But I'm hungry right now too. Sounds good?"

I nodded, and we started to walk around, looking for a place to eat. 

Am I really gay, or bisexual? I thought. Did I actually enjoy it?

For once, I was hopping I did, for life is too short for not having many new experiences.

Maybe I did enjoy it. But if I didn't, at least I got my first time with a man like him.

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