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I stopped at my jeep and leaned over the hood crying into my arms. I didn't know I could feel this wounded, this openly exposed. I hated it, because I was the only one feeling this way. I sobbed harder into my arms and felt a hand climb up my shoulder.

I looked up slightly and saw Scott. I hugged onto him and he hugged me tightly.

"Shhh. He doesn't deserve you. You're gonna be okay, Sti." He said reassuring me and rubbed my back.

"Here, wait in the jeep and I'll be right back. I have to go get something I left at his loft."

I nodded and sat in the passenger seat.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." He said and walked away.

About ten minutes, later, he came back and got in the jeep.

"Keys?" He looked at me holding his hand out. I handed him the keys and we drove away from what seemed like unbearable, bitter pain.

I looked out the window watching our little town of Beacon Hills pass by. I didn't really care about anything at this moment. I wasn't thinking of Derek or the pain that followed. I was living in that moment. I was content at this time. I wasn't crying or wanting to stop having pain. I was at bliss or peace.

Scott smiled at me. Looking from the road to me constantly. I looked at him.

"What? Why do you keep creepin'?" I chuckled.

"Oh, no reason. Just bouta make up that bro time we lost." He smiled. "Ohhh, yeah!"

I chuckled as he turned up the radio and drove faster. He was my best friend. If anyone knew what would help, it'd be him.

30 minutes later...

"How are you and Kira?"

"Awesome. Her and my mom love each other. It's great." He smiles.

"Nice, dude. I'm glad. Hey, Scottie, where the hell are we headed?"

"Heh, you'll see."

Bmmzzz Bmmzzzz

Scott's phone vibrates and I answer.


"Hit speaker!" Scott shouts.

"Okay, okay." I put it on speaker an hear Melissa's voice come through.

"Scott? Where are you? Why is the music so loud? Stiles is that you? Hello?" She inquires confused.

"SORRY, MOM. WE NEEDED MAJOR BRO TIME ASAP!! DON'T WORRY, WE'LL BE SAFE!! WE'RE ON OUR WAY TO DO SOMETHING STUPID!!!!" He shouts then ends the call. We both look at one another and laugh.

20 minutes later...

"Here we are..." He says pulling up to a tattoo parlour.

"Yeah... And what exactly are we doing here?" I look at him concerned.

"Getting a tattoo." He smiles and shoves the keys in his pocket as he walks in. I watch him and sigh following.

"Hello, we'd love a tattoo, please." He says to the lady at the front desk.

"Age?" She says bored as she smacks her gum.

"What?" I ask.

"Honey, your age. How old are you?" She looks up from her vogue magazine from last month.

"Oh, we're both 18." We say in sequence pulling out our IDs.

Scott gets two rings around his arm and I just watch for about 45 minutes.

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