Chapter 2

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[1 year later]

Shiro seemed off today, once he entered my room. Expressing a look of worry, thinking that I've done something wrong, he just gave me the usual smile of his and apologized. Confused by his unexpected apology, he began opening and closing his mouth like a fish, begging for air, seeing deep in thought, as if to try and find the right words to finish his sentence. I still remember the smile he has on his face when he's with his sons', he looks so happy. They have so much fun together and just watching the three of them made me happy. I know he looks up at my room, thinking that I'm not looking, when really, I am. He still wants me to meet his son's and not have me, stalking out of my room at night.

"I know what you are" His words made my blood run cold, how did he know?!

"I know what you're thinking... how do I know? Well the reason behind that is because I'm an exorcist" I felt fear creeping in. My mother told me about exorcists, there supposed to be very nasty and scary people, but how could a nice man like Shiro be an exorcist! Why would he even take me in if he knew what I was, better yet... why didn't he kill me when we first met? Starting to walk back, in fear for my life, to then find him pulling me into a hug, which left my body to tense, too afraid to move.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you, my 2 boys are special like you too" wait... their like me? Now I know I can't stay here. Feeling that being here would only cause more trouble, than I'd hoped, I feel the familiar trickles of my own tears falling down my cheeks, surprising Shiro.

"Minami? Minami, what's wrong!" I grabbed my pen and paper, in my tearful state, hands shaking as I wrote on it, 'that I can no longer stay here', this made him look at me in confusion and shock. He slumped in the chair staying silent for a while, deep in thought, but soon gave a breath and grabbed a cigarette, lighting it.

"Wait here for a second" he said getting up, walking out of my room.

Since he's gone I might as well pack what I'll need to bring with me, making sure that it was important things altogether and not just a bunch of useless things. After about 20 minutes, Shiro came back in holding something behind his back, leaving me slightly scared, yet, all the while curious.

"You can leave your stuff here if you want, because this is and will always be your home; if you ever wish to come back" -Shiro

His words warmed my heart, I grabbed the paper and wrote on it that I am grateful for this and everything else he's done for me and that I apologise for causing him so much trouble.

"Can I ask why?" I let out a sigh, as I wrote down the following

-When it comes to other demons, I have really, bad luck with them and I always get into trouble when I am in or around other demon's territory, or in other words trouble finds me... they're also the reason that I had such a hard time within the orphanages-

"So, is that why you didn't want to meet my son's?" -Shiro

-At the start no, but now that you told me they are demons, then it makes matters worse. I somehow have this way of attracting demons and a lot of trouble with it too, and I don't want to put that burden on you, your sons or anyone else I care about- I said with a slightly sad look.

Shiro gave a sigh, he stood up and gave me a big hug, we held each other tightly for some time and he kissed my head. Once he let go of me, he pulled out a medium size box and handed it to me.

"I knew that you were going to leave one day, but I never thought it would be this early, so here.... keep it with you all the time and don't forget about us" -Shiro

I smiled and wrote on the pad that I won't, as I smiled at him. Grabbing the box, I open it to see the most beautiful and unique necklace I've ever seen, it was a stone that had a mystic blue in the centre, with a smooth silver colouring around the blue. It was placed in a gold frame showing how dazzling it was and holding it was a pure, forest green, silky ribbon. On the back of the frame it said, 'to Minami, from Shiro', I could feel tears prickling behind my eyes in happiness, as I looked at Shiro, he smiled kindly to me in a sad matter. Giving him a very big hug, to show how much I will miss and the love I have for him, but also for the sweet gift he has given to someone like me.

"Could I put it on?" to which, I reply by nodding my head. He held it above my head and I bowed slightly with my eyes closed as I waited for him to put it on, almost as if I was going to be crowned, or as if I was being declared a knight. Once he did, I opened my eyes to see it rested perfectly on my chest, gleaming in the sun. I looked to Shiro to see what he thinks.

"It suits you perfectly......." And I smiled brightly to him.

"Will you come and visit every now and then? So that I can catch up with you?" I nodded my head as I gave Shiro my final hug and started walking to the door.

"Minami...." I turned my head back to Shiro.

"Take this with you" he said as he raised what looked to be a katana, the hilt had a dark blue colouring with gold and white markings. The sheaf had black and the dark blue swirling patterns, creating a magnificent look, taking it out of his hands and look at it in awe.

"Use this on any bad demons, it will help protect you" I bowed to Shiro and opened the door to see the guys there, all teary eyed. They all said their goodbyes to me and said how much they will miss me and I gave every one of them a hug, returning their feelings. Some time had passed, but I was finally standing in front of the door, taking a deep breath, only to look behind me to Shiro and the guys, who all looked at me sadly, I smiled to them in this situation, releasing the breath that I'd forgotten to release, only to walk out the doors.

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