Chapter 16

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First semester was over and the students of true cross academy were heading home for spring break, but us esquire students had to stay behind a bit longer to do some exorcist training. We were going to be in the forest for three days; Yukio and Shura were going to be our teachers and escorts along the way, though I didn't really think much about it. Truthfully, I'm not supposed to be here since I'm still in heat, but after what happened last time, I demanded that I take part since I can't really trust Mephisto now; I mean look how bad everything happened!

Once we got off the tram, I felt my heart sore with the magnificent view of the forest! Everyone was so excited, but then Rin and myself found something new about Shima.... he hated bugs, so I guess he's not much of a creepy crawly type.... Shame for him, because there are a lot of bug like demons.

We each had a pack to carry up, but I gotta say for a human their pretty heavy, but this is nothing, since Rin and myself are demons. We were all walking along while Yukio was giving us info and boy was it hot! But I managed pretty well.

Once we got to our destination we were placed into groups, so that we could get some chores done. The boys doing the tents, collecting wood and start a fire, while the girls went to draw a magic circle around the area for protection, but I was tasked with helping out with the circle, since Shura was sitting back and letting the girls do everything. Plus, there were six boys working on the tents and fire, so I went with the girls to give them a hand.

Izumo didn't really seem too pleased, but Moriyama was just bubbly not really caring and Shura... well she was sitting in the tree playing on her PSP. Later, when the boys finished planting the tents and getting the fire started, the girls and I were trying to cook food, but they knew nothing and were getting themselves hurt, which caused Rin to get annoyed and take over surprising everyone with his cooking ability. But since he was doing that I made my Monkshood, with berry extract, honey and a pinch of salt; I waited by the kettle so that it would boil before serving it, though I made normal tea just in case no one was up for it.

We all sat down and began to eat and everyone was shocked with how good the food tasted, my familiars came out in their miniature forms and stayed close to me and got a small portion on the food themselves. I was drinking my blend of tea and saw everyone was grabbing a cold drink.

"Hmm? Hay what are you drinking tea for, its damn hot out here!" I turned my head to Shura

"Well why are you drinking alcohol, that will cause your body to heat up immensely?"

"Don't change the subject!"

"Well it's my own special blend. I learnt to make after watching my mother and it's really good on building up my immune system"

"Heh? Really? Let me have a try" I passed her my cup and she took a sip. At first, she didn't react but once the fluid entered her stomach, her cheeks flushed and she held a relaxed/ pleased look on her face

"Wow this stuff is so good! I feel so refreshed" the others saw this and didn't know whether to try it or not.

"Thanks, I'll pour you one. Anybody else?" I got a few hands and got them some. They gave the same face as Miss Shura and asked what was it.

"It's Monkshood, with some berry extract, honey and a pinch of salt" they then looked at me with worry.

"Don't worry I neutralized the poison, so you won't get sick or die"

*time skip*

Yukio had begun explaining to us what our task will be for the night and truthfully, I wasn't all too sure about it, plus my gut was telling me something wasn't right. Though it subsided when Shura pissed him off, causing me to giggle a little, but once he got down with the rules and the task we were all lined up and ready to go. I felt a light tug on my hoody and looked down to the guy with the puppet on his hand, he looked up to me and said 'together' I was real confused at first but it clicked in my head, meaning let's work together. I knew we were supposed to work 'against' each other, but what the heck.

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