Chapter 3

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It's been some years, since I said my goodbye, that day. I'd been traveling around, taking whatever form, I'd please. But I still managed to get into trouble going around town, with both demons and humans, I've learned to live with it and I did keep my promise to Shiro. Every chance I got, whether I am needed by him, or just to pass by, I would go visit Shino and the others, making sure, that his son's and I never meet. Shiro would try and have me tell him what I've been up to, though I would either lie or change the subject, only to feel bad doing it, but I think he knew that I didn't want him to worry about me...

"My, my, if it isn't that mutt. Come on, do some tricks for us and while you're at it get us some food!"


-Demons are walking all over me again, since I'm not showing my power. They think I'm just a weak dog wandering the woods. I usually let them walk all over me, but I either just don't care, or I ignore them- So I just casually walked on as if I didn't hear or see them.

"Oi mutt! Get back here and do what we say!" I swear, I'm gonna leave them bloodied and bruised, crying for their mothers. But I'm just gonna ignore them and be on my way......or so I thought. They tackled me to the ground and began biting, clawing me, while I snapped my jaws at them, growling; trying to scare them off or send a message to say, 'back off' and 'no!'

After going at this for what seemed like hours, I sensed a very familiar presence disappear from this world. Stopping the fight, I kick them off and shot up on my paws, looking in the direction that it came from, ignoring the demons talking behind me, cursing and saying, 'that I'm going to regret doing that'. Next thing they knew, they felt a strong presence coming from me, it was hurt, anger, rage and sadness. I could sense the fear radiating off them and turned my head to them, letting them see my horrifying face.

"Y... you're...a...demon, like us" spoke their leader, with a trembling voice.

'I am nothing like you!" I snarled at them, turning to run off.

-It can't be true, there is no way he could.... - I ignored the pain that my body was experiencing, the pain of my bloodied paws and the burning of my lungs.

I don't know how long I'd run for, but I knew, I wasn't going to stop until I was sure that what I sensed before, was completely wrong. Running past so many trees, bushes, animals and people; that didn't stop me, heck, I don't even remember how many times I almost got hit by cars. I was just so focused on seeing if he's okay, that he's safe and that my instincts are wrong.

Seeing that oh so familiar hill, up ahead, only meant that I was almost there. Knowing this made me run faster than before, jumping off the top of the hill, shortening some of the distance, that I'd have to run. Seeing the ground getting closer, I get my paws ready, so I could land on all fours, just to take off again.

After about 5 more minutes I was there. What I saw left my heart shattering into thousands of pieces, happiness and love had left my already broken heart. Rain was falling all over my fur, hiding my tears, as I saw the guys carrying a coffin, which I could smell Shiro's sent all over. It was fading with each breath I took. My throat was tight from the lack of air and my heart ached with the truth, finally seeing both of Shiro's son's, they had grown so much, since I last saw them, only to remember what Shiro had asked of me the last time I saw him.


"Minami if something were to happen to me, would you take care of Rin and Yukio?" -Shiro

"What are you talking about Shiro?"

"Would you look after them for me? Please, I want you to promise me" he pleaded, grabbing my hands and I knew that he was being serious about the matter. I owe Shiro so much and if this is what he wishes, I will do it. Nodding my head in agreement to his wishes, filled him with relief, as he gave me one of his usual hugs and thanked me...

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