Chapter 24

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I appeared in the room, shocking many exorcists, causing them to go on the defence, only for me to growl at them. Returning to my human form, my familiars ran forward and gave me their report of the situation, the place was a wreck! It appeared as if a giant spider had come in and ransacked the place.... But what got me was the fact that the guys were encased in a web substance, leaving them comatose.... My heart ached, as I created a noise, one of a whimper and a whine, walking forward, having myself be pushed back by one of the teachers.

"You can't go near them. We don't know what this substance is and what it could do, please stay back" I looked at him and he seemed taken aback by the expression I had expressed, but I ignored him and went near the guys.... Trapped in their cocoons and placed my hand on it, not caring that it was burning my hand, having steam leave. I could tell that the substance was trying to take my energy, but also rejecting my human form... it was a full moon tonight, but it was daylight outside, I didn't care though. I took a breath and let my true form be visible... feeling myself become bigger and my form change, I opened my eyes, seeing the exorcists staring at me in absolute disbelief.



"I've never seen a demon like this!"

"What kind of demon is it?!"

Releasing the breath, I held, I lowered my body and used it to cover the guys, while in their cocoon prison, placing some of my energy and power within them, hoping that it will help keep them alive for the time being, while trying to fight back whatever this is. I stayed like this for hours, but allowed many exorcists to come in, do tests and check ups on my friends, seeing what they could find to stop this. They were mindful of me, as I was them, a few did accidently step on my tails and gave quick apologies, fearing that I would attack.

"It's alright, you did not mean it, but please, save them" my voice was tired and depressed, while my eyes showed they were distant, staring at them. They seemed to relax to my words and the soft tone in my voice.

"I know that my size is troubling, but this is how small I'm able to go. If I were at my full size, I would have accidentally demolished the place, plus it being a full moon makes this form a little more difficult to deal with things" they stared at me with firm expressions, before one of the men came forward, having me bring my head down slightly to be able to stare him in the eye.

"So this is the smallest you can go?"

"Unfortunately" I replied as truthful

"What are you doing to them?" he asked staring at the victims

"I'm providing them with what energy and power I can. It seems as if whatever the substance is on them, seems to be placing them in a comatose state, while slowly sapping very small amounts of their energy... Plus I want to be close to them... I'm also making sure I don't give too much of my energy, because I don't think their bodies will be able to handle all my strength" he only nodded in understanding, the doors were then thrown open, Rin and Yukio were here.... The two came running over and saw the victim's, looks of disbelief, shock and anger present. They tried to come close, but were ordered to stay back, before they finally noticed me.

"Minami!" -Yukio

"What's going on?!" -Rin

"I don't know much myself.... b, but, please... find out who did this" I pleaded to them, Yukio turned to a fellow exorcist and asked him something

"What's she doing? Why does she look so tired? And how come she's able to get this close without being affected?"

"Yukio please, try to calm down. I can't concentrate with you acting like this" I spoke softly bringing my muzzle to him and Rin.

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