7: Muted Goodbye

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Nagisa pov:

I had received a text on my phone. It was from Hiyuri. She asked to go to this abandoned place. Seems like the factory under the bridge.

" Hiyuri. Hiyuri." That's when I saw a bunch of bodies lying on the floor. Those uniforms... are they... I ran towards the bodies ... my students!! I touched to their pulse on their necks... phew... alive.

Where's Hiyuri?!! " Hiyuri!!!"

*Clank clank* I looked to that direction. It was her sitting under the platform in the dark. She has used the gun in her hand to hit against the pile earlier.

Nagisa: daijobu?

No answer. Those eyes... it's like she had sunk into some deep black space. I walked towards her and touched her shoulder. Her hand reaches for the knife at her pocket and swings towards my wrist. I shrink my hand back in time " Hiyuri..."

" Ah. " She said.

Nagisa: what?

" Ah. Ah." She clenches her fist against the floor " ah. Ah. Ah!!! Ah!!!!!" She gritted her teeth together and took her gun out and pointed it to her head " Ahhhh!!!!!!!!"

Nagisa; no!!! Hiyuri!!!

She points to the bodies " ah. Ah. Ah!!!" Then she palms her chest " ahh!!!! Ahhhh!!!! Ah..." her tears flowed "ah..."

I took a step forward and hugged her , taking my chance seeing she wasn't so guarded up. I stroked her hair " it's not your fault."

Hiyuri: ah.... ah!!!

"it's not." And I knocked her out. Better this way, if not I don't know what she'll do to herself next.

Koro sensei takes back his tentacles " she seems fine to me. I guess it's just a trauma. She's not permanently mute."

Nagisa: I see.

Koro sensei: but with a talent like yours, you probably understand her anyway.

Nagisa: um.

Koro sensei: to cure her, we have to know what trauma she has been through first.

Nagisa: but she won't tell me like that...

Her eyes opened and she sits up.

Nagisa: you're awake? Hiyuri.

I don't know if she heard me. But she stood up and headed for the door. She opened it and walked out. I called her name out again and she turned her head. She bowed a ninety-degree and started for the door again.

I ran after her and grabbed her wrist " Hiyuri!!"

She nods.

Nagisa: where are you going?

She bows again and flings my head off. I grab her hand " I'm worried." 

She clenches her fist and screamed " ahhh!!!" And tears flowed from her eyes again. It was as if saying let me go.

Nagisa: I'm always here for you. Hiyuri.

She shakes her head.

Nagisa: no?

She shakes her head again and palms her chest " ah. " She shakes her head.

Nagisa: don't for you?

She nods and she waves as if saying goodbye. With a smile.

What's with that smile? Like you actually mean it. Like you actually will let go of me. I thought you said you wouldn't? Like it's ok to let go?


I run after her and grabbed her shoulder turning her around. She had a knife in her hand and I had to shrunk it back before she got my hand. " Hiyuri...?"

Again that smile... and she waves... and she leaves...

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