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I haven't gotten my iPod back yet, but this is a message to my wonderful friends.
I'm using my friend Endeer_Senpai's phone for this right now.
I didn't realize how much I loved you all until I lost you.
I wanna thank my friends for helping me feel better.
I still cry sometimes over you all.
I plan to come back, hopefully soon, but my friend LeafyLoveMe69 is right....
My parents found out that I had this, and took my iPod away...
I plan to be gone for at least 3 years, sadly....
Once again, I want you all to know that I love each and every one of you so much for getting me this far.
Especially the ones I pmed and rped with, they know who they are.
I've kept the spirit of Wattpad alive by drawing several scenes from rps and even some of my followers.
I miss you guys so much.
I hope I get to talk to you soon, and I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye personally.....
I love you all.

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