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"I love you Eric..."

Snapping my eyes open I look around the dark room, chest heaving up and down from my erratic breathing. The darkness surrounded me, blanketing me in its cold embrace. I heard her voice again, running through my dreams.

Throwing the sheets off me I stomp my way over to the bed room window, where dark curtains hang, blocking out the moonlight. Ripping my now extended claws through the fabric I move them out of my view.

Glaring at the moon, I scowled. She wasn't here nor will she ever be. Looking over my shoulder I see the room for what it truly looked like. The light from the full moon was intense as it shed its light for me to see, almost forcing me to accept.

The room looked a mess, broken objects lay everywhere, broken glass seemed to have a pile of its own in the corner, and the once beautiful four poster bed was in shreds. The only thing that was perfectly unharmed was the picture frame on the far side table. 

Growling as I made my way towards it, stomping my way over, I grab it up in my large paw, staring at it.  She was beautiful, she was my love. Glossy red hair flowed down her back, while dazzling hazel eyes pulled me in.

Furrowing my brow I threw the picture at the corner causing the glass to break and add to the pile that seem to be growing. I let out another ferocious growl and made my way back  towards the window, raking my claws over the stone of the fireplace as I did so.

"This was our home! You were mine!" I hollered out into the sky at the moon. Another growl sounded as I pushed forward more, "you did this!" Pulling my hands to my head I silently cry before releasing a loud, long howl.

The headache I had only seemed to grow as I fell to my knees. "Eric..."

"Stop... please." I whimpered.


Growling louder than before I grip the curtains pulling them back to hide as much light as they can with the holes I put through them.  Storming over to my destroyed bed I lay down, facing away from the window I look at nothing trying to let the darkness consume me, then once again I was alone...

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