Chapter 1

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"So can you tell me again why we are moving? And why your 22 year old daughter had to be dragged along." I completely sigh out as I stare at the landscape as it zoomed by out the window. I get it my dad and I were close but I liked our old pack, I had a job, a decent rank, and it was a large pack. My mate could of been in it, considering ive never met everyone in it there was a good chance.

"Come on, Cheryl. Do this for me, you know I couldn't do it alone." My father said softly as he kept his eyes on the road, my mother passed away while giving birth to me, so I was the closest thing he had to mom left. He wasn't an overprotective/over bearing type of dad, he laid out the rules and I listened. Since most of his rules were simple, and because I followed his rules it gave me freedom while I live with him.

Soon after my nineteenth birthday I got my own place, my father made it almost daily that he visited, just to hear about my day over coffee. But now he's going a bit too far, I was annoyed with him, he begged me to move to a neighbouring pack, I thought yeah, okay, we'll still be close to home. No. that wasn't the case at all.

The neighbouring pack he spoke of was, the moon dust pack. That's all it really was. Dust. No body has transferred into that pack in years, no one wanted to. The land was said to be cursed,  their water streams became polluted, casing  illness to strike into the pack, killing some of not most of those who came in contact. They solved the problem of course for the illness, stopping it from spreading, but the shadow that was cast over the land from it was to great to over come.

Apparently they tried to get others to join but no one wanted to become cursed them selves and not only that but people were afraid of the alpha. He was cruel, and care about nothing and no one. Once a pack near by wanted to take the moondust pack over causing a war between the two, they thought it would be an easy take after losing more than half their pack.

The alpha slaughtered them, sent them running home with their tale between their legs. It was the largest owned territory, but with the smallest pack. Since then the pack has been forgotten, unless it's used in rumours and kids ghost stories, most of the newer generation wolf's have no idea about it.

"Cheryl... thank you. I-... I know you didn't want to come or half to." My father's words brought forth a shocked expression to my face as I watched him to see what he would say next, his greying hair was noticeable and he had the matching chocolate eyes that I had. His skin now darkly tan from years working out in the sun, causing some wrinkles to form. Despite all that my dad still only looked in his late thirties. "I'm happy that you did though Cher. I know you heard about this pack, everyone has, but I want a fresh start. I'm sorry for dragging you but thank you." 

That's the thing about my dad, he was a grateful man, no mater what it is you do for him. I could never be man at him. Giving him a small smile I reach over and pat his hand.

"It's okay dad, no need to thank me." My voice comes out sounding the same way I felt, reassuring. Maybe it was good for my dad to get out of that pack, after all there were to many memories of mom for him there.

"Hey, who knows maybe your mate could be in this pack? You know I bet the moon goddess pick out the best for you!" My dad smiled at me, ever since I was young he told me the story on how he met my mother and how it was like an instant fairytale. I've now been excited to meet my own fairytale and have what my parents had, I loved the idea that someone out there was made to match you and only you.

Driving along the long road that seemed to look forgotten with all the cracks lining it, I watched as the clouds set in, hiding the sunlight but no rain fell.  Suddenly I could start to feel my wolf stir in my head, she had stayed away most of the drive but she started to become restless.

"Looks like we've made it" my father's voice shook me out of what ever little daze I was in as I turned my vision towards the front window. My eyes took in the sights around me, most houses had been boarded up, but the ones that were not looked well kept. Raking my eyes over the landscape the stoped on what looked to be the pack house, which looked to be taken care of as well.

"We will be staying in the pack house until our house is ready." My father looked towards me giving me a smile.  I nodded my head as my wolf and I had perked our interest in the pack house.

Pulling up to the front my dad hopped out of the car as I looked out my window and up at the five story building. Looking around I was guessing that the rumours were true and most of the members had die off, almost stoping me from opening the car door.

Cracking it open I froze. The slight draft that came in through the slight crevice between the door and car brought new smells with it, and a smell that stood out to me. My wolf paced more frequent now, restless as she itched  to be let in control, which I wasn't going to let her be. Never the less my father and I had an important first impression to make and I didn't want to ruin his chances of being let into this pack.

However the more the door opened, the more of the scent I could inhale, my wolf was Practically jumping for the chance to be in control. Ignoring her antics I push her back, blocking her from making a mess of things. "We have to meet with the beta, then he will assign us rooms." My father called over his shoulder, as he walked into the building. Stepping out of the car a slight breeze hit my face bringing with it the strong smell of pine trees.

Pushing open the door I'm met with the beautiful interior of the building, the was the entry room with had a few seating areas, and it was an open concept like design, looking up you could see all five floors, with a window at the top granting the large room with light. The walls were wooden logs, almost like a cabin and the railings that circled the upper floors were logs as well. My mouth Hun open at the true beauty of the building's rustic design.

Following my father across the hard wood floors he too looked to be taking in the building. It was almost like a hotel. My father lead the way over to a door with the title beta on it. Knocking once we waited until the gruff voice hollered to come in. Following the instructions my father opened the door to a young man, then again we are werewolves and after the age of twenty five our aging slows down.

My father and beta shook hands as he then told us to sit, taking a seat as he and my father talked, I took the time to look him overz sandy blonde hair framed his face, while grey eyes observed us. His skin was taught against his muscles, he was an attractive male.

"So this is your daughter?" He asked my father, his eyes looking me over once, not in the sexual way, but I'm more of an examination way.

"Yes beta Hunter." So Hunter was his name, as my dad spoke his name I also came to a conclusion that the name seemed to suite him.

"Alright  well there is a waiting period you have to go through before you become official members of the pack, even though we've haven't had any request in a long time." Scratching his forehead he continued, "well your rooms will be separate, Cheryl will be located on the south end, and you John will be on the east end, you are to attend all pack meetings, meals and announcements, also you while on the observation period you will not be given jobs, nor are you permitted in the north end that is for ranks and alphas only." Letting out a sigh he looked back at us, before a knock on the door sounded and his voice spoke again tell them to enter.

In walked a shewolf one who had a dark tan and black hair that flowed down to her lower back. "This is Holland, she will show you to your room Cheryl, and I will show you to yours John." Standing up I almost fell, the smell, it hit me stronger than before.

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