Chapter 2

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This is an early update for you !

Starting question;
Where are you from?

Standing, my wolf paced, she was anxious and wanted to find the source of that scent. I walk my way over to we're the young woman; Holland, stood.  "Hello, I'm Cheryl, and I'm guessing you're Holland?" I made my voice sound as friendly as I could, especially with the amount of anxiety I was feeling.

A large smile came upon Holland face as she looked at me nodding her head. "Yes! I'm so happy to meet you Cheryl! You have no idea how excited we are to be welcoming the two of you!"  Her voice echoed off the walls of the hallway as we began to walk, my father and Hunter had already headed off.  "They placed you near my friend I hope you don't mind her, she's a little excited as well." Holland smiled, she was a very pleasant person, but something about her was making my wolf stir violently in my head.

"Oh that's alright," I say smiling as we walked, "so is she just as happy as a person as you?" Holland gives out a little laugh as we begin to head up a set of stairs.

"She just might be," she winks towards me and I smile shaking my head, she made me miss my friends in my old pack, but I couldn't think about that now. I was doing this for my dad, and I need to make friends and give a good first expression. "To be honest we thought that maybe you were going to be...well..." she trailed off but I immediately got wear she was going with that.

"You mean a bïtch?"

"Well yeah, we haven't gotten any request to join in a long time and thought maybe you heard the rumours and hope to climb your way to power." Confusion set on my face as her words hit me, the rumours? I thought everyone knew of the 'Cursed Pack'. What did she mean by climb to power?

"Well to be honest, I listened to the rumours and I was scared at first too, but I had to do this for my father." I explain, twirling my fingers along a frayed string. A low growl sounded from her body and I was shocked at Holland. We had paused our walking as she glared at me.

"We don't need no good she-wolves like you. We already have enough."

"Woah, woah, woah, I think you have the wrong idea Holland!" I say as I raised my hands, there goes that perfect first impression, nice going Cheryl. My wolf wasn't helping my mood either as I listened to her whine and pace.

"No, I know exactly why you're here." Her anger was pouring out of her at an alarming rate, it was causing a thick tension within the air. Other people started to open their doors to see what all the commotion was over. But I was still confused at her words.

"How'd you know my dad was depressed? Did he have to let your beta know that?" It was almost as if a switch had flipped, as her anger was soon replaced with confusion as well, but she never dropped her guard.

"Depression? But I though you said you heard the rumours?"

" well yeah I thought this land was cursed just as the rumours say, but my dad, he wanted a quieter place since my mom died.." my explanation seemed to completely pull her from attack mode and into one of guilt.

" I am so sorry Cheryl.. I didn't know you meant those rumours... and.. I'm sorry about your mother. I didn't know." She looked down as I just shrugged my shoulders. She obviously had a reason to become defensive, It was a simple miscommunication.

"It's okay Holland! No harm done." I smile as she takes hold of my arm and continued to apologize as the people whom were watching looked on with confusion. We continued to talk and I listened as she explained how the pack worked and that she would be the one to guide me around the next few days. Walking into my assigned room was like any standard pack room, a twin bed, dresser, and an bathroom. The window seem to view the back yard of the pack land, walking over I looked out and surprise hit me when I could see what looked like the pack warriors training.

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