Chapter 5

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Question: do you believe that honesty is the best policy?

Word count: 1658


All night I didn't sleep, my thoughts keeping me awake along with the feeling of my wolf; or lack of her. I don't understand how even after the rejection a bond could be so strong. I could feel him. He was also laying in bed awake, did he feel me? Closing my  eyes I felt that if I reached out my small fingers would brush the rugged alpha. Shivering from the thought I almost felt my wolf for a second, in what came as a feeling of satisfaction. Sitting up from the soft mattress I turn, grabbing the pillow and flipping it to the cooler side. Hoping, praying that this would help ease me to sleep.

I turned my head as I laid down, facing the window I could start to see the beginning of dawn the faded light marking it's place among the horizon. A few stars still out to play. He was close, I took a deep inhale and focused on our still living connection. Turning my head the other way I could see the bright light from the hall coming through the crack under my door. He was in that hall, he had left his room to come here. Maybe this was how rejection is? You still feel the connection but have to stay away?

Almost like a change in atmosphere you could tell he left. A weight above me gone, closing my eyes I try and will my self to sleep. Blackness clouded my vision as my body started to finally shut down and then I was out.

My dream was dark, I could barely see anything, if I tried to move forward I could not, until a blinding white light bursts, and there standing be fore me is Eric.

I looked at him and he looked at me, opening his mouth to speak, lips move, words form but no sound his heard. A blaring white noise was growing louder and louder, until I heard my name. Everything became quiet, and my name sounded again. Looking to Eric I find him gone.



Opening my eyes I see my room was now surrounded in light and there at my bedside was Holland. Smiling down at me she takes her hand away from my arm was she was moving it in hopes to wake me.

"Wow you sure do sleep long. I would of came earlier but I wasn't sure if you were really in here." She began to ramble, my eyes glancing to the clock on the bedside table behind her which read 11:15am. Well at least I caught up on my missed sleep even though I did miss breakfast.

"I'm sorry to have troubled you Holland..." my voice was still a bit strained from my sleep, causing it to sound scratchy.

"Troubled me? Oh no, not at all Cheryl!" She smiled at me as watched as I sat up in bed, a giggle left her mouth but she quickly covers it, looking over at the mirror of the vanity I understand why. My hair was like a balled up birds nest on my head that had to be a good few inches high, the right side of my face not only had lines from my pillow but a dried stream of drool as well, and my tee shirt that I wore to bed was hiked up and twisted around my torso. Letting out a small laugh seemed to be what broke Holland's resolve as she too began to laugh.

Once we calmed our laughing fits she began to speak, " o know you missed breakfast but if it helps my idiot brother didn't miss a single fave that walked in the room. I think he was looking for someone." She said lifting her eyebrows in two quick motions suggestively nudging me. My laughing had stoped and my mood damped at her words.

"He wasn't looking for me, if that's what you meant. He doesn't want me, remember?" Playing with a loose string of my comforter I let my words sink in.

"I don't think that..."

" Holland, of course he doesn't want me, who rejects their mate because the want to be with them? None." My voice came out a little colder but Holland new it wasn't at her, it was just a touchy subject.

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