✴C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - O N E✴

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What you Deserve..
Chapter Twenty-one


Yelling out in pain I gripped the pole on the hospital bed tighter.

"I can't do this baby I can't" I said crying as Isis pushed my hair back.

One month after the wedding I went into labor. My water didn't break but it was time because the stomach pains were killing me. I sat in the hospital trying to push but I couldn't.

The only person I needed by my side was my husband everybody else had to leave. The doctor and nurse we're preparing just in case something bad happen while me and Isis was praying that both me and my baby get out of this alive. During my pregnancy my blood levels was very high which caused for this to get even more complicated. I choose to keep the baby and leave everything in god's hands.

Now here I was giving birth after eight months and it hurt like hell. I wanted to go the natural way but I should've got an C-selection I can't do this. I was getting extremely tired.

"Come on baby girl we are almost there."

"I can't" I said shaking my head crying.

"If the baby is a boy what do you wanna name him?" Isaiah asked grabbing my hand.

"Sha..- S-Shemir"

"Push for me Mrs. Cole" The doctor said and I took a deep breath before grabbing Isaiah hand and closing my eyes. Giving the doctor another hard push I stopped after six seconds.

"I see the head!" The doctor announced and Isis smiled.

"What about a girl?"

"I..I..I don't know" I said before I had to push again.

"Come on Symphani you are doing so good baby girl you are almost there give me one big push and we'll be done. I promise you"

"Isis baby" I said as my eyes got heavier.

"I'm here baby"

"If... if a girl.. I was thinking Simone Eva Cole"

"That's beautiful baby." Looking up to the sky I slowly released Isis hand. Breathing out I gave out everything I had in me.

"It's a boy" I heard one of the nurses say but I didn't hear any baby cries. Soon everything started to get dizzy and that's the last thing I remember before it all went dark.

. . . .

Five Months Later

Slowly opening my eyes I closed them trying to adjust to the bright lights. Opening my eyes I looked around to see I was in a hospital room.

"Baby" I tried to talk but it came out very rasp.

"Symphani" I heard a deep voice lowly say before I turned my head to see Isaiah who was sitting right next to my bed.


Sitting up he embraced me in a warm hug and it felt like for ever since I've touched my baby.

"I thought, I lost you Symphani. I was going crazy thinking you was gonna leave me I love you Symphani I love you so much"

"I love you too"

Hugging for what felt like hours he started kissing all over my face before helping me get cleaned up in the bathroom. Sitting back in my bed he smiled at me.

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