✴ C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T WO✴

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What you Deserve..
Chapter Twenty-Two

Symphani smiled as the camera flashed again and she changed her position.

"That's it girl, work it" Imani asked making Symphani laugh and the photographer captured that as well.

"Okay let's get you into something else, then we can get Isis and the kids in a couple pictures as well"

"Okay" Symphani said pushing her hair back before going into her dressing room.

For the past three years Symphani and Isis has been strong as ever. Symphani got recognized on instagram by this huge model agency in Los Angeles California and got the chance to become an supermodel. So they uprooted their life to LA but Isis still had his business in New Orleans. Isis became this famous barber who cut a lot of famous people hair all around the world and he finally quit the drug business.

Symphani and Isis has been married for three years with two kids and their love grew stronger and stronger for each other everyday.

"What's the matter lady bug?" Sym took her one year old daughter Simone out of Imani hands when She started fussing as the stylists worked on Sym hair.

"She probably wants her dad" Imani said watching her son Chris Jr and Shamir eating all the food that the people placed in the dressing room for Symphani.

"Where is Isis?"

"I think he's still in Sacramento he didn't call you?"

"I have no idea can you hand me my phone please? He should be here by now" Symphani exclaimed as Imani handed her phone and grabbed baby Simone. Sighing she unlocked her phone to see one miss call from Isis.

"Can you guys give me a minute please?" She asked the stylists and they nodded their heads before leaving the room. Pressing his contact "😘💘MINES💍🔐" she put the phone to her ear.


"Where are you Isis?"

"Still in Sacramento baby I'm sorry I'ma be stuck here for a hot minute baby. I'm sorry I know how important this is to you"

"No that's fine Isis do your job I'm good" Symphani said trying to hide the disappointment in her voice.

"Again I'm sorry baby"

"It's okay Isis, I'll see you home okay?"

"I love you"

"I love you too" Symphani hung up the phone and frowned. "He's not coming"

"Awe babes I'm sorry, but you know he's trying to get money for you and the kids. Don't stress it Mami you know stress isn't good for the baby" Imani said putting her hand on Symphani stomach. Yes Symphani was pregnant again with their third baby but nobody knew but Imani and Her obgyn.

"I know" Symphani said looking down at her stomach. After Simone she said she wasn't gonna have anymore kids but Isis wanted two more children before he turned 3 0. Symphani had no problem with giving him two kids because they were stable but with both of their hectic schedules she would have to quit one of her three jobs if she had another baby. But then again she didn't have a problem with that either.

"Come on I'll take some pictures with y'all if that'll make you feel better"

"It would" Symphani wasn't upset that Isis was working because she knew he had this appointment booked weeks again but she really wanted him to do this before he leaves to go on tour in two days. Isis is being paid to go on tour with Drake to have him and his boys fresh for all their shows. Symphani didn't have a problem with it because she had trust in Isis but for three months she would miss him dearly. Video chatting and talking on the phone wasn't the same as being right next to her.

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