Chapter 1: Present Day

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*One Year Later*

"Lily! Are you listenin' to me?"

At the sound of my name, I began to shake my head clear of the fog and demons that held my attention and try to focus on where I was at the present time. Aunt Mae's kitchen, attempting to eat my lunch consisting of a turkey leg and a slice of bread.

"I'm sorry Aunt Mae. What were you saying?"

"Nothin' of any importance. Just trying to make conversation with you but then you went off into la la land. Looks to me like you're pretty weighted down with your troubles. You're not reliving the past again are you?"

I look at her and smile tentatively.

Even at the age of 62, my great Aunt Mae was a beautiful woman. She stood at 5'7 with curly, shoulder length, silver hair, copper skin, strong hands, and piercing green eyes that could intimidate even the strongest of men. Mae Louise Traiger was not a woman to be reckoned with lest there be hell to pay. Growing up, she lived in a small house with eight older brothers. Needless to say, there were a lot of wars waged and backyard meetings with her father, teaching her how to fight. A competitor to the core, she prided herself on being the best shot in all four surrounding counties. I have a picture of my mother and me nestled safely inside of my memories, however, with each passing day, the corners become more blurred and the facial features more hidden. As the memories of mother fade and my growing uncertainty rages, I am blessed beyond countless measure to see myself and my ancestry in Aunt Mae. I am about an inch shorter than she but we both have the same copper skin, emerald eyes, and curly hair. Although, mine is a few inches longer and still a hearty golden chestnut brown instead of the striking silver such as hers. I have yet to experience enough of what life has to offer in order to be graced with the dignified and regal strands of silk that she is consistently combing and braiding. In the last year I have learned more from her in the ways of shooting and self-defense than I could have ever thought possible. She has helped to strengthen and mold me both physically as well as spiritually.

"I wish I could tell you no Aunt Mae, but with the trial coming up tomorrow, the old doubts memories just keep replaying in my head, over and over again like a broken record. I can still remember my fear and my pain. I feel his breath on my face and I can taste the blood in my mouth like it was yesterday. I can't help but think, what if justice isn't possible? What if I'm not brave enough to be on the stand and face him; to retell my stories and share those memories?"

"What if..."

I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence.

I knew by the stern look on her face and her rigid posture that even she could hear the tremor in my voice.

"Honey, now don't you go lettin' that man take away the very backbone that God Himself has given you. It's been almost a year since you've seen him and things have changed for you; for the better I might add. You beat him at his own game once upon a time and now you're gonna do it again. Only this time, that rat bastard will be goin' to prison until his bones turn to dust. He deserves to be punished for what he did to you. To this family. To all of those families."

I don't feel like I beat him. All I feel is tired. Tired of hiding my scars and pretending people don't stare as I walk by. Tired of the nightmares that plague my sleep and the constant fear that he'll find me again. Tired of looking in the mirror and seeing a freak. A monster. I am just plain...tired. This isn't how I saw myself, my life, when I was younger.

Of course I couldn't tell Aunt Mae any of this. She's done so much for me to make me feel safe in her home and it wouldn't be fair.

"I hope you're right Aunt Mae. I really do."

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