Chapter 6: The Chipped Cup

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"Lily! Lily, can you hear me?!"

Oh God, where is that awful ringing coming from?

The room comes into focus and the first thing I see is Ted bending over me with a concerned look.

"Your ears are bleeding. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I didn't realize how close your face was to Sally's. Can you stand?"

"Am I- Am I dead?" I groan as I try to sit up.

"No Lily, you're not dead. Just in shock. Whoa, easy, don't stand up so fast. Let me help."

Ted wraps his arms around my waist and helps lift me to my feet. He then puts one of his hands around my eyes and whispers,

"Don't look, okay? Just let me guide you."

When someone tells you not to look, what's the first thing you're tempted to do?


I pry his fingers loose and gaze at the carnage of what used to be Sally Mayfield. Bits of her skulls and brain matter are splattered all over the mirror, walls, and door. The smell of iron and gun powder is too much to bear and I barely make it out of the tiny bathroom before spewing out every part of my brunch onto the cabin floor. All I can do is groan and cough.

"Her head. It was- it was just- g-gone. Wha- what happened to her?"

Ted is by my side in an instant, holding my hair back and rubbing my shoulders soothingly. "I shot her through the door. I heard you screaming and so I came running."

 Bending at the waist, I finally notice the pieces of goop, hair, and blood on my pants as well as my shoes. I begin to realize that I can feel it on my face, in my hair, and even in my my mouth. The world begins to tilt and in a panic I start tugging my shoes off and throw them across the room. My shirt doesn't give way quite as easily and in a tumultuously frenzied state, I begin to claw and tear at the fabric. It is choking me with it's smell.

"Oh God please, get it off! Please get it off!"

Ted is trying to restrain my hands which only prompts me to fight harder to get free.

"I can't breathe Ted! Please help me! Get it off!"

Reaching into his pocket, Ted pulls out a knife, flicks out the blade, and cuts the fabric in one quick motion. The cool air on my skin helps me to focus and brings the world back into view.

"Lily, you're half naked and shivering." 

He removes his suit jacket and wraps it around my shoulders in a protective gesture and then guides me into a sitting position onto the floor.

"Lily, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

"I- I think I am. I just- all of that blood. Her brain- it was-"

The bile begins yet again to work it's way into my throat.

"Lily, focus. Just focus on me and not the body. Okay?" 

He wraps his hands around my arms, and gives me such a look that you would've thought the world was ending. It was almost a sincere moment, until he started to shake me. Hard.

"I heard what you said in there Lily. Why would you tell her to do that?"

"Ow Ted, you're hurting me."

"Tell me why Lily. I want to know."

He shook me in sync with each word that he pronounced.

"I-I don't know Ted. Let me go!"

"Tell me Lily! Why!?!"

"Ted I-"

"TELL ME!!" He screams at me.

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