Chapter 12: It Continues

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"Good morning Detective Bedford. You mentioned you worked four cases involving Lily, is that correct?"

"Good mornin' and yes ma'am, that's correct." 

"And out of those four cases, how many times did you meet with the plaintiff's aunt privately?"

Silver's face twisted in disgust but he stayed seated to respond, "Objection! Relevance?"

The judge raised her eyebrows and looked in Miss. Mick's direction. Franklin's lawyer smiled innocently and stated, "It goes to credibility Your Honor."

The judge nods her approval, "I'll allow it." 

Silver is clearly upset by this and furrows his brow but doesn't say anything further. I see him begin to furiously write notes on his pad of paper but it's hard to make out what he is writing. 

"I'll ask you again Mr. Bedford, how many times did you meet with the plaintiff's aunt, Mae Traiger, outside of normal investigative hours."

"I've never really counted ma'am."

"Interesting. Would you say it was more than five times?"

"I mean, it's possible."

"More than ten?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

Sam's face begins to turn red and one glance at Aunt Mae tells me hers is beginning to look the same. 

"Maybe? That's interesting. Why would you meet with a witness more than ten times after hours?"

"Well this type of case was complicated. I needed to make sure I was being thorough."

"Are you sure that's all it was? Because it looks like you had an inappropriate relationship with a witness's family member which some might say makes you biased towards my client."

This time, Silver couldn't contain his frustration and shouted rather than spoke his objection. "You're honor, this is a very prejudicial line of questioning! The defense is trying to poison the well and manipulate the jury."

Judge Platt rolls her eye's in Silver's direction. "That seems a bit dramatic Mr. Donnagan, don't you think? Overruled. Miss. Micks, please continue"

Silver clears his throat and grabs his glass of water out of frustration and gulps down it's contents. I notice how tightly he is grasping the cup and again chuckle at his reminder to me to stay calm. I place my hand on his forearm as a gesture of resolve and find peace when he looks down at me and smiles.  

"Mr.Bedford, is it possible your feelings towards Ms. Traiger have made you biased towards my client?"

"That's ridiculous, of course not!"

"So you admit you do have feelings for Ms. Traiger?"

"Objection! Leading the witness!" '

Again Judge Platt huffs in frustration and Silver's continued interruptions but thankfully remarks, "Sustained. Miss. Micks, please reframe the question."

If she was rattled, Judith never let on. Her gaze was directed on Sam as she kept her back to the courtroom and continued on. 

"Yes Your Honor. Mr. Bedford, how would you characterize your relationship with Ms. Traiger?"

Sam ignores Miss. Mick's question and glares at her in disgust. The silence in the courtroom is almost overwhelming. Only a few coughs and scraping shoes are heard while everyone waits for Sam's response. When one doesn't come, Judith walks towards the judge's bench and remarks candidly,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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