Chapter 1 - Part 1

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Please note this story has not been fully edited. It contains spelling & grammar mistakes.



He was back. Adonis Grayson was back. He preferred the shortened version of his surname Gray.

My heart was beating so fast I put my hand to my chest to calm myself down. I felt a familiar nervousness whenever I thought of him. It gave me a rush; I found it hard to breathe. It was frightening and addictive.

His band had taken the world by storm. Girls worldwide swooned over them, and he had become a famous rock star practically over night. There had been none wavering in his commitment to do what he loved. He lived and breathed his art.

I knew he would go straight to my house once he landed to hang out with my brother. The prospect of him made my stomach flutter, and I felt annoyed how he caused me feel only with the thought of him. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face him yet. When he wasn't on tour, he spent most of his time hanging out with my brother. They were probably playing play station and eating junk food. They were so predictable.

I'd known Adonis practically my entire life, all eighteen years of it. He was best friends with my brother Alex; they were both five years older than me. My parents hadn't believed in having children so close together in age. Having a much older brother had its downfalls. Sometimes it felt like I had three parents instead of two.

Adonis was too famous to enjoy the simple outings normal people did. It was only in our tightly knit community where he had grown up most people left him alone. It was probably the primary reason he hadn't moved too far away.

"You have good time?" A voice pulled me out of my deep thoughts. I turned to Evan, and I plastered a fake smile to my lips. I sat in his car parked outside my house.

Our disaster of a date was over, much to my relief.

"Yeah." I lied through my teeth, feeling a little distracted. My attention was on the boy in my house instead of the boy in the car. I couldn't wait to end the date, but I was nervous about seeing Adonis again, after three months of his absence. Self-consciously I touched my hair. I hated my plain mousy brown hair and eyes.

Being home when Adonis arrived hadn't been an option, so I had gone to Reece's house. She was my best friend, and I had convinced her to help me get ready for my date with Evan.

"Are you sure?" She had asked before Evan had arrived to pick me up from her house. She was the only who knew about my genuine feelings for Adonis.

"Yes." I had to get over him. Evan I had met at a party the night before. He'd asked me to go out with him sometime. I'd brushed him off initially, although I'd taken his number, anyway.

I think it was the panic at Adonis' return that had pushed me to take the step to call Evan. I felt a moment of guilt while I gazed at Evan. He was smiling at me and I felt awful for using him.

"I really like you," Evan revealed before he leaned a little closer.

I needed to get out, and I'd hoped that I would connect with Evan, but there had been nothing. My plan had failed. It had been, yawn all night, boring. Evan was so obsessed with himself it was annoying. He was attractive, but he knew it.

I had said little all night. Evan had held the entire conversation, making sure he was the center of each topic. I'd never met someone who could talk about themselves so much.

Too distracted with thoughts of Adonis that only when Evan covered his hand with mine did I realize he'd gotten the wrong idea. I had to let him down gently. I wasn't interested.

"You're nice," I said. I couldn't exactly tell him he was self-centered and boring. I never wanted to see him again.

Evan wasn't listening to what I was saying because his eyes focused on my lips and he leaned forward. Before I could even register what he intended, he pressed his lips to mine. Momentarily, it stunned me for a few seconds before my brain kicked into gear and I put my hand to his chest to shove him away, but he was immovable. Panic set in as I pushed harder, this time with both my hands, but his lips moved against mine, bruising beneath his forced kiss.

The driver's door opened, and someone yanked Evan out of the car. It took a few seconds for my brain to register what I was seeing. Adonis stood tall and formidable with his hands fisted as his side as he loomed over a frightened Evan. His blue eyes were like steel.

"What the fuck!" He glared at a stunned Evan, and I touched my lips that felt swollen and tender.

Adonis glanced back to me for a moment and our eyes connected. Despite the situation, one glance from him made me so vulnerable and open. My lip trembled. His jaw tightened, and I turned to face Evan, who scrambled to his feet.

Shocked at the drastic turn of events, I opened the car door and got out, stumbling. I turned to see Adonis hit Evan in the face. I gasped as I put my hands over my mouth. Evan's hands lift to his face as he took a step backwards. Blood dripped from his chin.

"I never want to see you near her again," Adonis warned with a fierce glint in his eye as he flexed his bloodied hand.

Adonis gave Evan one last glare before he walked over to me. His features softened and his hands went to my arms. I still trying to piece together what had happened, everything had unfolded in seconds.

Had he watched the whole thing? I swallowed nervously.

"Are you okay?" His eyes scanned my features. Speechless, I nodded.

His thumb gently touched my lips, and I saw his jaw tighten again. My lips were tender to his touch.

"Let's get you inside," he said as he put a protective arm around my shoulders and walked me to the front door.

I didn't look back to watch Evan leave. His car started before he drove off. I was glad to get rid of him. What an asshole. I touched a hand to my lips, his forceful kiss still imprinted on my mouth. It was a reminder.

An icy shiver ran through me when I thought about what could have happened, and I felt my knees weaken. A muscular arm wrapped around my waist and Adonis pulled me closer to his side as he opened the door.

"Alex?" I questioned, sounding a little breathless.

"He left to pickup some food." He steered me into the living room. I sank down on the sofa and he sat next to me.

"You okay?" He studied me with concerned eyes. My eyes fell to his hand he flexed.

"Yeah, it's just I never saw... that coming." I was still in shock.

"Be careful, Harp," he warned me with a frown.

Harp. Only he called me that. It was a reminder he only saw me as the little sister of his best friend and nothing else. He hated his first name, so he insisted everyone call him a shortened version of his surname. His mom loved Greek mythology.

"He seemed like a nice guy," I said, trying to defend myself. "He didn't come with a Potential Rapist sticker on his forehead."

"If you'd gotten out the car as sooner he might have tried nothing," he said and my mouth dropped open. Was he serious?

"'s my fault?" My temper rose. I stood up, not wanting to be near him.

He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his sun kissed blonde. It had grown a bit from the last time I'd seen him.

"I'm not saying it's your fault." He stood up to his full six foot two height. I hated the fact that I only reached his shoulders.

"Then what are you insinuating?" I glared at him, putting my hands on my hips.

"You were out there for a while." He shrugged.

"You watched?" I inquired, my temper deflated.

"Yes," he responded, looking uncomfortable, like I had caught him doing something wrong.

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