Chapter 21 - Part 1

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His words were beautiful.

"I want the same."

I had tried to protect him, but there was no point now. It was too late; I had run out of time.

He smiled at me and leaned forward. He kissed me so tenderly I lifted my hands to his face and cradled his face as his lips moved softly against mine. The love I felt for him swept through me, and I felt myself shiver at the intensity of it.

He pulled away and looked just as affected by the kiss as I was. His eyes glittered with emotion. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I said. I didn't want to admit that he'd hurt me when he's walked away. What happened before seemed inconsequential now.

"When we first found out about the tumor, it scared me. And when you delayed your surgery, I was so angry with you." His eyes held mine for a moment as he paused. "I felt like you were just giving up, I wanted you to fight."

His words reminded me of the things that I may never have, and I felt a sadness spread through me. I felt the sting of tears.

"I shouldn't have walked away, and I shouldn't have said the things that I did. It's easy for me to stand on the sidelines and tell you what to do. Maybe if I'd been in your shoes, I would have done the same."

I reached out and caressed his face with my free hand. "I never meant to hurt you." My voice hoarse. Seeing him struggle with my decision had been one of the hardest things to watch.

"I know that." He stared at me for a moment. His beautiful blue eyes held mine. "I hate that there is nothing I can do, I've never felt so helpless."

I swallowed hard. He was right there was nothing he or my family could do to increase the odds in my favor.

He leaned forward and kissed me. The kiss was so gentle that it brought tears to my eyes. I savored the feel and taste of him for a few moments after he lifted his lips from me.

My brother entered the room with the Dr. Clark behind him.

"Miss Harper." The doctor looked through the chart in his hands.

"Hi." I was nervous. It was time.

A deep fear settled over my nervousness while I watched the doctor as he looked through the file. But there was no way to know how bad because veiled features, revealing nothing.

He closed the chart.

It wasn't good news, and I knew it before he even started speaking.

"We have to do the surgery now." His tone was firm, not open to any argument. "I will not lie to you. Delaying the surgery has increased the risk."

My time was up, it was time to do the surgery. It scared me. Adonis' hand tightened over mine, reassuring me as I felt a cold shiver through me at the thought that these could be my last moments.

"Okay." My voice held all my emotions.

"I'll do everything I can," he said. "They're going to prep you for surgery."

Unable to speak for the fear of my emotions breaking free, I nodded my head. I wanted to scream and cry at how unfair it was, but I had already learned life wasn't fair. I couldn't even comprehend they were going to cut into my head, so I tried not to think about it.

"How long before you operate?" It was Adonis who asked the question.

"Three hours." Then the doctor left.

A heavy silence settled.

"Reece." I remembered I'd made plans to go out with her today. Someone had to call Aiden as well.

"I'll call her." Alex took out his phone and dialing her number. In a hushed tone, he spoke over the phone. His eyes stayed on me. I saw his fear.

"I'll be okay." My words were empty, I did not know what was going to happen, I didn't even know if I had a chance, but I felt I had to give him some hope even if I didn't have any.

"You have to," he whispered, like I was his world. He leaned his forehead against mine and I closed my eyes.

I had to be realistic about my chances. I opened my eyes and Adonis lifted his head. These few hours before my surgery could be all I had left, and I needed to make peace with the fact that I might die.

There were things I needed to say. "I love you." He nodded his head. "I've loved you since I was thirteen years old and I'm sorry things didn't work out like they should have... we should have had more time."

"Having you in my life has been the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I wouldn't wish it away for anything. My life has been anything but normal. The moment I fell for you it became extraordinary," he argued softly.

I felt emotion overwhelm me at his words and a tear escaped down my cheek. I brushed it away.

"Don't cry," he said in a whisper.

"You have a way with words, Mr. Grayson." It was true, he had a way of saying something that made me feel his words.

"It's a talent," he said, and my smile increased.

"Reece is on her way," Alex said. "She said she'd call Aiden and let him know."

Three hours and the clock was ticking. I had to stop myself from looking at my watch constantly.

When my mom arrived back with my stuff, my father was with her. Adonis and Alex left to me a moment alone with my parents. My mom and father stood together beside me.

"I love you." I could see she was trying to put on a brave front for me, but I didn't want her to.

"It's okay, mom." I'd put through them so much, and I felt a moment of guilt for it.

"We love you," my father said.

I didn't want to talk to them like it was the last time, but I had to face the chance that I wouldn't make it. It could be the last time I got to talk to them.

"You are the best parents. You've always been there for me and done anything you could for me. I just wanted to say thank you," I said, needing them to know how they meant to me.

My mom burst into tears and hugged me close. My father's eyes glistened and his arms wrapped around both of us.

A little later Reece arrived she was emotional. It surprised me to see Aiden walk in behind her.

Reece rushed to one side of the bed and hugged me. Tears escaped down her face. Aiden walked to the other side of the bed. He looked worried as he watched Reece hug me like her life depended on it. By the time she pulled away, she was brushing the tears away from her eyes.

"It's okay." I gave her my bravest smile, trying to cover up the fear that I felt.

"I love you." She hugged me again.

"I love you too," I said.

"You really know how to do this the dramatic way. You had to get the ambulance involved," he said lightheartedly, and I gave him a smile. He was joking with me, but I saw past that.

"You should have seen the crowd that saw me off," I said, and he grinned.

He bent down and hugged me for a moment before he squeezed me tightly.

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