Chapter 1 - Part 2

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"Why?" My gut tightened at the idea that he had been watching me outside with my date.

"It was late. Beside it was a good thing I was watching you..." His voice drifted off, and I felt disappointed. It was a familiar feeling with him. I kept leaving myself open to disappointment with him. It was impossible to stop the dreamer in me that kept hoping one day he would realize he felt something for me. I had to face the truth, I was wasting my time. Nothing was going to change. I would never win and he would never be mine.

I had already closed the door on my unhealthy obsession with him, but I felt angry and frustrated that the slightest interest from him had made me throw it all out the window.

A week after he had left to go on tour three months ago I'd turned eighteen. On my birthday, when I browsed through some gossip magazine and seen a picture of him locking lips with some beautiful girl. It had broken my hopeful heart and forced me to face the hard reality that I was living an unrealistic fairytale.

It wasn't like I'd never seen him pictured with a girl before. I'd lost count of how many times I'd seen him with a beautiful girl and each time at chipped away at me.

My crush on him reminded me of fairytales. The charming prince swoops in and gives the princess a happy ending. It's what we all hope for when we are a little girl. But as we grow up, we realize that will not happen. In proper life, the prince didn't notice the princess and brought her nothing but heartbreak as she watched him move from one girl onto another.

Decision made. I would not waste another five years on him. No more. I would smother whatever I felt for him and move on before he had the chance to break my heart.

"Thanks," I said, dropping my gaze.

"Harp," Adonis whispered, stepping closer to me. Inside, I felt disappointment turn to a physical pain at the sound of my nickname on his lips. The closer he was, the more aware I was of him.

"How was your tour?" I wanted to change the subject.

He rubbed the back of his neck. It was then I noticed he looked tired. "Hectic," he revealed. "After a while, staying in hotels isn't fun anymore."

I was envious of all the countries and cultures he'd experienced while I had never been overseas. It was depressing.

"I'm not complaining," he added. "It's just it's good to be home and have home cooked food."

I nodded my head even though I didn't understand.

"How are the guys?" I asked, thinking of the other two members of his band.

He smiled and shook his head. "They're good."

I knew them well. It had been five years since they'd formed their band that had started off in a garage and moved them onto the stage in front of millions of adoring fans.

Link and Sage. Link was the man whore who shamelessly moved from one girl to another. He had broken most of the hearts of the girls in his senior year of high school. Sage was the outgoing one. He was constantly trying out new hairstyles and colors. I couldn't even tell you what his natural hair color was. He was always telling me I would look good as a redhead, but Adonis would shake his head and tell him to get lost.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Adonis asked as his beautiful blue eyes scanned my face. The touch of his hands on my arms sent tingles across my skin. I held his gaze, trying to control the rush of emotion I felt for him at that moment. I held a fear he would see something that would reveal my genuine feelings for him. It was the last thing I needed.

It embarrassed that I felt so much for him and he was oblivious.

"Yes, I'll be fine," I assured him, giving him a smile to reinforce my statement.

I was still feeling a little shaky inside. I didn't know whether that was the aftereffects of my over touchy date or the fact that I was staring at Adonis while he still held my arms in his hands.

The sound of the door opening pulled me back down to earth. I took a step back, pulling out of his hold. I turned to face my brother as he entered the room with a bag full of stuff in his arms.

"I got everything," Alex said as he dropped the bag on to the coffee table beside the PlayStation.

"You sure you didn't forget the chocolate chips cookies?" Adonis questioned as he rummaged through the bag. His addiction to those things was unhealthy.

He loved those biscuits. Anytime he came over to visit and there was a box of chocolate chip biscuits, he often ate them all before he left. My mom made sure she kept some for him.

My parents loved Adonis like a son. He'd practically grown up alongside us. His house only four houses away from us, at the end of the street.

Adonis pulled out the box of biscuits and opened it. Shoving a whole biscuit straight into his mouth made me shake my head. He smiled as he chewed.

Although he was famous and could live anywhere, he wanted he owned a large house in the fancy neighborhood nearby. But he spent a lot of time at home visiting his parents when he wasn't touring.

"So how did your date go?" Alex asked as he threw an arm around my shoulder.

"Fine." I shrugged indifferently. I didn't miss the questioning look from Adonis as he frowned slightly at me and I shook my head gently.

My brother's finding about it would just cause unnecessary drama. Adonis had taken care of Evan, and I doubted I would ever see him again.

Alex was pretty over protective and telling him would only lead to another encounter with Evan. This time would be for my brother to teach him a lesson. A lesson Adonis had already taught him.

"You want to join us?" my brother asked. He dropped his arm from my shoulders and walked to the sofa where he sat down on the sofa and grabbed a Playstation controller.

"No," I replied as I shook my head. I needed space away from Adonis.

"You sure?" Adonis asked as he slumped onto the sofa next to Alex and reached for the other game controller.

They would be at it till the early hours of the morning. I didn't understand their fascination with combat games. Games like that made me anxious, and I hated the feeling.

"Yeah," I said as I turned to leave.

Quietly, I went upstairs to my room. It was after ten and my parents were sleeping already. Once inside my room, I closed the door. I leaned against the door. I could faintly hear them downstairs, and just the sound of his voice was enough to make my stomach flutter.

Tonight I'd let myself live in my fairytale, but tomorrow I was going to find my way back to reality.

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