Chapter 19 - Part 1

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Reece hadn't been completely on board with my decision, but she'd seemed to accept it. We were sitting on my bed talking about the things I wanted to do in the time I had left.

"It isn't about doing a bucket list." I could tell she was finding it hard to understand my reasoning. "I want to spend more time with my family and friends. It's not like I want to go bungee jumping or anything like that."

"Okay." She studied me. "If you're going to risk your life for a few more memories, let's make the memories worthwhile."

I gave her an apprehensive look.

"We're going out tonight. We're going to drink and have fun." She stood. She put her hands on her hips and the look she gave me dared me to refuse.

"Fine." I felt like I was living my first day of borrowed time. I was exactly in the mood for it, but she was right. If I stayed home I would only mope around and I didn't want my last few memories to be ones of sadness.

"Can we drag Aiden with us?" I asked, needing a little more support.

"Sure. It'll be fun," she said. "He can help me make sure you have a night to remember."

As I picked my phone, I felt emotionally lighter already. When I called Aiden, and he jumped at the chance to go out with us.

"I'll pick you guys up at your house at eight," he said.

I still did not know where we were going, but it didn't really matter because I had my friends. They would make sure that no matter where we went, I would have fun. Maybe for a few hours I could forget about the surgery and Adonis. I experienced a pain in my chest every time I thought about him.

"Do you want to invite Max?" I asked. I'd been so wrapped up in my stuff that I did not know if they were still seeing each or not, it made feel like I was a terrible friend.

"No, just friends tonight." She shook her head. "Tonight I want to give you all my attention."

"Are you sure? I don't mind." I shrugged.

"No, it's fine." There was no shaking the feeling that something was up with her and Max, but she didn't seem to want to talk about it, so I let it go.

Reece and I got ready for our night out together. It was just like old times. The fears of my future took a backseat in my mind as we did our makeup. Excitement and anticipation bubbled inside of me.

We were running late when Aiden arrived.

"I can't understand why you guys take so long to get ready." He leaned casually in the doorway watching us putting the finishing touches on our makeup.

"We have to look good." Reece put a little more mascara on.

"I'm done." I surveyed myself in the mirror one last time. Reece had made my eyes a smoky gray color. I'd never worn it before, and I liked it.

"Come on you two," Aiden checked his out his watch impatiently. "You're both beautiful."

By the time we made it into the Aiden's car, I was ready for a party and letting loose. My parents had been nervous about me going out, but they'd reluctantly relented. Alex was still at Adonis' and at the thought of him I felt my heart ache a little, but I pushed any thought of him out of my mind. There would be no moping tonight.

We parked the car and walked to the house. The party was full of people and the music blared through the house. I greeted a few people I recognized as we made our way to the front door. Inside, Reece led the way holding my hand and Aiden followed behind us.

There were various drinks and beers filling the counters in the kitchen.

"Do want to do some shots?" Reece eyed out a bottle of tequila.

It took me a few moments before I nodded my head. Two rounds of shots and we moved from the kitchen to the living room. For the first time in what felt like ages, I felt relaxed. It was probably a direct result of the alcohol flowing, but I didn't care. I smiled at a couple of girls trying to sing along with a song pumping through the house. They were failing miserably. I kept my singing to the shower because I was pretty sure I sounded worse than them. Reece shook her head when she saw the two girls I was giggling at.

For the next hour, we danced and laughed. I got a few interested looks from a couple of guys, but I wasn't really interested. There was only one guy that owned my heart and no one else could take his place.

I was on my second drink, and I was feeling light-hearted. Someone bumped me and hands shot out to steady me.

"Thanks," I said to the guy who had stopped me from falling.

"You're welcome." He winked confidently while he continued to dance beside me. He was cute.

But all it took was a look from Adonis to send a shiver of excitement through me. It would be impossible for anyone to compete with that.

I felt Reece's hand on my wrist, but something fixed her attention past me toward the front door.

"No way," she whispered, and I turned to follow her line of vision to Adonis who had just entered the house. He wore a hoodie, but I would recognize him anywhere. The sight of him still impacted me like a jolt of electricity, which was accompanied by the heartache I'd been struggling with. What was he doing here?

My brother was with him. Was this his way of keeping Adonis' mind off me? Taking him to a party.

I felt the impact as Adonis' eyes found mine. The moment our eyes meshed, and everything, including the music, faded into the background. What was only a few seconds stretched into what felt like a minute? His expression was blank while I wore my heart on my sleeve for everyone to see. He didn't look heartbroken, and that hurt a little too. I didn't want him to be a mess, but I didn't want to see him look fine when it felt like my heart was being wretched from my chest.

His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched when his eyes took in the guy dancing close to me. Did he think I was trying to move on from him?

Pulling my eyes away from his. My brother spotted me and I smiled at him, but he didn't seem happy to see me, and I knew the reason. He didn't want his sick sister out at a party.

"Alex is not happy to see you here," Reece said under her breath to me as I watched my brother push his way through the crowd to us, leaving Adonis behind.

"What are you doing here?" Alex asked when he reached us.

"We are drinking and dancing at a party." The alcohol making me feel braver than usual.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to get Gray out of the house." He looked back over his shoulder to his friend, who now much to my dismay had a girl chatting him up.

It felt like someone had poured hot boiling water over my heart. It was so painful I felt the sting of tears for a moment before I got myself together.

"I'm sorry." My brother gave me a sympathetic look. "I didn't know you were going to be here."

"It's okay," I said. "It's not like we can avoid each other forever."

But to see him so soon after we'd split wasn't easy. I took a gulp of my drink, hoping the alcohol would help ease the pain I was experiencing.

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