Chapter 1

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Helloooooo I'm Shelby and this is my first Larry Stylinson fanfiction ever so tell me what you think because I would love the feedback thank you so much!!!!!


Harry's POV:

            It was New Years Eve again and as per usual he had no one to kiss. Everyone else had someone to kiss. EVERYONE. Niall had Liam becase they just confessed there love to each other. Which I have yet to do........ Anyway Zayn has his beautiful fiance Perrie and then me with no one. And I'm not even going to bother to ask Louis if he has anyone to kiss I mean he is so perfect why wouldn't he. 

" HEY  its my good buddy Harry" Niall slurrs out as he approches Harry.

"Oh hey Niall" Harry whispers

"Have you found anyone to kiss yet?"

"No why would I there is no one here that meets my requirments."

"You mean you want to kiss Louis but to chicken to ask him." Niall laughes.

"Shut the fuck up, just because i might have a tiny crush on Louis doesn't mean I want to kiss him." Harry screams as he tries to defend himself.

"Oh come on Harry everyone knows you are in love with Louis you are so obvious."

"Am not"

"Yes you are now go up to Louis and ask if he has a midnight kiss, but you better hurry its only 10 more mins until midnight." Niall exclaims.

Niall gives Harry a quick thumbs up then walks away most likely to find Liam.

Well, at least they are happy. But, I have to listen to Niall I mean maybe he likes me back right? No what are you talking about Hary he obviously will just laugh in your face. No I have to do this even if it's the last thing I do.

Louis' POV:

               Oh my God!!!!!!!!!! This party is so lame and to top it all off i have no one to kiss at midnight which sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want it to be next year so i can go home.

"Hi Lou......." Harry whispers as he walks up behind Louis.

"Oh, hey Harry whats up?" Louis replies.

"Nothing much I was just wondering if you had a midnight kiss yet?" Harry replies.

"No why do you ask curley?

Harry smiles at the nickname."Just curious." Harry blurts out.

" Harry why are you so nervous?" Louis questions

"Nothing nothing its stupid anyway"

" No come on tell me." Louis pleads

"I was gonna say-"

"That we should kiss." Louis exclaims

"See its stupid."

"No I'll kiss you."


"Sure I mean its just kiss so no big deal"

"Ya just a kiss" Harry said clearly hurt. Because little did he know Harry loved Louis.


That was the first chapter hope you liked it dont forget to vote and comment what you think of it so far!!!! :)

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