Chapter 5

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It's been three weeks since I rejected Brandon, three weeks since I told my family and it's the day I leave. I was finally able to find a house up by Toronto and my flight leave tonight.

I've spent the last couple of days packing my things up and getting everything ready for when I leave. The only reason I leave the house is to go to my classes or to go out with my family and Margaret.

The thought of leaving my family behind makes me sad but keeping my baby safe is what makes me want to go through with this. My belly has also started showing and I can't risk too many people finding out. Brandon came to the pack house looking for me a couple of days ago but my dad made it clear that he was not welcome and to leave me alone.

My brother and I are in my room and he's helping me pack up the last of my things. When we're finally done Logan helps me up. He looks down at me and pulls me I for a hug.

"I'm going to miss you stupid. I promise to go and visit as soon as I can."

I hug him back tighter and try to hold on the tears.

"Kids the food is ready. Come down before the food gets cold."

We make our way downstairs and sit down at the dinner table.

"What time did you say your flight was?"

"It's at ten mom."

She nods and sits next to my dad. We start eating and just talk about anything. I know I should be enjoying the time I have left with my family but I can't help but think about Brandon and how it would've been like if he weren't an asshole and had accepted me as his mate.

"What do you think Xiomara?"asks my father. His words pulling me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I say not knowing what they were talking about.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing important." Thankfully my father dismisses it knowing I don't want to talk about it.

"Do you know where you're going to be staying?" I nod excitedly.

"Yes. The house is gorgeous. I'll show you around when everything is unpacked and put away."

He nods and we eat in comfortable silence. We go into the living room and settle with the movie 'Ouija'. Throughout the movie the room is filled with my mom's and my screaming. By the end I'm sitting behind my brother with him covering most of the view. He just looks at me with amusement and starts laughing at me. My father soon joins in and we're glaring at the both of them. We charge at them and they're laughing too hard that they can't fight back so we end up sprawled out on the floor. We're all laughing but we're interrupted when someone knocks on the door. I get up to go answer the door and see it's my father's beta, Jason.

"Dad it's for you."

I wave at him goodbye and retrieve to the living room. I hear my dad quietly arguing with Jason when he sighs and comes into the living room.

"Sorry sweetie I have to go to the pack house. It's urgent. Sorry I can't be here on your last day." He says.

"It's fine. Go do your alpha duties. I'll go over before I leave to hang around a bit and say goodbye to you."

I give him an encouraging smile and he nods as he goes out the door. My mom tells me to start getting ready to go to the airport. I go upstairs and choose to go with a simple and comfy outfit. I take a quick shower and once I get out I dry myself and put my clothes on. I don't really know what to do with my hair so I leave it in it's natural waves.

I go downstairs and get Logan to help me with my suitcases.I find my mom in the living room and say one leash goodbye to her.

"Bye mom. Please come and visit me soon."

"I will. Now go before you're late and your flight leaves."

I give her one last hug before getting into the car with Logan. We pick up Margaret at her house before going to the pack house.

When we arrive to the pack house we all go in and start making our way to my dad's office but Logan gets distracted by his friends and wanders off with them. And then there were two.

I make my way up the stairs with Margaret and knock on the door that leads to my dad's office.

"Come in."

We walk in and his hard gaze softens when he sees it's me and Margaret.

"Hey sweetie. So it's time for you to leave huh?"

"Yeah. Once the house is unpacked and everything is set up you guys should come visit."

"Oh trust me we will."

"I'm going to miss you dad."

My eyes start to water and my dad gets up from his chair and rushes over to me. He wraps his arms around me and just holds me as I let the tears out and sob in his chest.

"I'm going to miss you and mom so much. What if I just don't go? I could just stay and maybe things will be fine. Maybe Brandon won't find out and I can raise my baby here with you guys?"

"But that reality isn't guaranteed and you know that. You have a pup to think about now and every decision you make is going to affect them. You made this decision because you want your pup to be safe and loved so go and do what you know is best."

I look up to my dad and he wipes my tears away with his thumb.

"Now go. Your mom and I will visit you soon."

I nod and give him one last hug before waking out of his office.

I start going down the stairs with Margaret behind me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. We just have to find Logan and make it to the airport in time."

We search from room to room for Logan until we finally find him in one of the living rooms talking with his friends.

"Hey Logan we have to go."

"Alright. Bye guys see you next time."

We rush to the car and make it to the airport in time. We get my suitcases from the back of the car and make our way into the airport. We get my bags checked and make it past security. We start looking for my gate and make it just in time as they make the announcement.

"Anyone who is boarding the plane to Toronto please make your way to the gate."

People start getting up from their seats and start getting in line to board the plane. I look next to me and smile sadly at Logan and Margaret.

"Well, this is it. I'm going to miss you guys so much. You guys will come visit me soon right?"

"We will."

"We promise. Now go and board the plane before it leaves without you."

I hug them before going to the gate. I give my boarding pass to the lady and she lets me through. I look back to them and give them a final wave before boarding the plane.

I find my seat and relax into it as I close my eyes.

I wonder what's going to come next?

What did you guys think of thus chapter?
Do you guys think Xiomara made the right decision in moving away from her family? Let me know what you guys think in the comments!

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