Chapter 26

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This chapter is dedicated to
<>●<>●<>●<>●<>●<>●<>●<>●<>●< So it's been a week since I've woken from the coma and my mother has organized a party to celebrate me waking up. I honestly didn't like the idea of this but my mother being the stubborn ass lady she is ignored my complaints and went along with her plan. I'm in the room getting ready for the party, as I was taking a shower a bad feeling came over me but I just assumed it was the pregnancy symptoms or something.
So I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me before blow drying my hair and slipping on a long white dress which settles nicely over my baby bump. I then went over to my vanity table and started applying simple makeup. I put on flats and put on a pair of bow earrings. Before going out the room I go to my full length to see myself over. As I'm looking at myself my eyes settle on my baby bump and I rest my hands on my bump rubbing it. I stay staring at my bump for a while just thinking that my bump is exceptionally larger compared to when I was pregnant with Parker.
After about five minutes of just staring I go to Parker's room to see the room empty, I begin to panick and fasten my pace as I start looking for him. I checked in almost every room and I still haven't found him. I go to the basement and as I near the game room that's down there I hear voices so I start running towards the voices. I push open the door to see Trystan and Parker playing on the PS4 and I instantly relax. I put a smile on my face and say,

"Alright, baby lets go get you ready for the party."

He gets up from his chair and holds my hand. I see Trystan giving me a worried look so I smile to tell him I'm alright. We start walking upstairs to his room when I hear a noise coming from the kitchen. I tell Parker to wait here while I go investigate. I'm near the kitchen when I hear the clacking of heels and when I'm near enough I jump out to tackle them but stop in my tracks when I see it's just Margarret eating my oreos. I take the oreos away from her and say,

"These are my oreos."


"And you can't eat them!"

"Yes I can. You wanna see?" She says as she opens her mouth showing me the chewed up oreos.

"Close your mouth you fu- Hey baby!"

I say as Parker comes out from around the corner. I go towards him and grab his hand dragging him upstairs to get him ready.
1 Hour Later

The guests are starting to arrive and I make my way downstairs to greet them. Trystan and I haven't had time to discuss what happened earlier, I just don't want him to worry more. I know he doesn't want me to see him worried or stressed but I've caught him muttering things to himself and when I question him about it he tells me it's nothing. He has a wall up so I can't go into his mind and see what's making him worried either. But whatever, we're at a party and need to have fun. I check up on Carter and he's in the backyard sitting on the grasd with a little girl. I decide to go up to them and say,

"Hey Parker who's your friend?"

"Umm...her name is Alexandria."

"Hey Alexandria, I'm Parker's mother. I love you're name sweetie, how old are you?"

"Hi Ms.Smith, I'm..." She stops to count four fingers on her hand.
"I'm four years old."

"That's great. Call me Xiomara, I'm going to go inside. It was nice meeting you sweetie."

       I hug her and get up from my crouched position to go back inside the house. When I get in someone covers my eyes and I react on instinct causing me to twist their wrist a bit. They yelp in pain and I turn around to see Brandon gripping his wrist.

"Brandon I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok, I should've known not to sneak up on you after you punched me and hit me in the balls."

        I hug him and we start talking until I have to pee so head over to the bathroom and do my business. When I come out another pair of hands goes over my eyes so I say,

"Brandon, I know it's you."


      I turn around to see Trystan was the one whose hands were over my eyes and I internally curse at the sight of his pissed off expression.

"Baby I'm sorry it's just that Brandon did the same thing a while ago and I was just talking to him so I thought you were him."

    He stalks off angrily and I turn to go to Brandon. We keep talking and joking around until we hear several howls near my house and I don't recognize them as any of my father's pack so I look at Brandon and he shakes his head at me so I go running towards the backyard where Parker is and search for him desperately. When I catch sight of him he's running towards me with Alexandria and I pull them in the house and towards the basement. Once I'm sure they're safe I leave them with a pack member and I go back upstairs to help out. I go into a room that has all kinds of weapons and is located in the first floor of the house. I grab a two knifes and put them under my dress wrapped around my thighs and a gun. I go out and the sight is nauseating, there are limbs stead around the back of the house and there is blood splattered everywhere.
       A fierce growl brought me out of my thoughts and I turn around to catch the scent of a familiar wolf. Trystan's former alpha. I get into a fighting stance and wait for his attack. He then launches himself at me and luckily I dodge his attack and pull a knife stabbing it into his neck. He whimpers and bares his teeth at me, I start running in the opposite away and when I'm in the woods that surround my house I realize how stupid this is. I start heading back quietly when I hear nothing but as I start nearing the house I hear a twig snap behind me and I turn but to my dismay he was much quicker and is on top of me in his human form naked. I try freeing my wrists from his grasp but he's holding them tightly. He's grinding against me while at the same time kissing my neck. I play along and wrap a leg around his waist and he falls for it loosening  his grip on my wrists so with my other leg I knee him in the balls and escape from under him, pulling out my other knife and stabbing him I'm his back. He's about to get up from the floor but a howl rings through the air and my face pales with only one thought running through my mind right now.

Who the hell just died?!

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