Big surprise

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I stand shocked, motionless and turned on as Calum speeds off and I smirk to myself at my act of boldness and walk inside. I walk in to a dark foyer and lean against the door with a wide smile on my face, wow Calum can kiss. I rub my finger against my bottom lip "Well you had a fun night." I gasp as the lights turn on, my mom and dad are standing I'm their pajamas gazing at me seriously. "Do you have any idea what time it is?!" My dad asks and I frown. "I'm sorry daddy." I whisper ashamed. "Zendaya, I know its the weekend, buy that does not mean you can come in the house at nearly impossible 3 in the morning!" My mom yells and I bow my head and listen. "I hope you're not starting up your old bad habits." Mom says. "Next thing you know, your grades will start to fall!" Dad yells. I stand there with my head down and arms crossed. "Just...Be more responsible ok?" My dad says more calmly and I nod. They go back to their room and I head to mine so I can go to bed.

I get home and shower before I go to sleep, I lie in bed with a huge smile on my face...Zendaya kissed me! I've kissed a lot of girls but, when Zendaya kissed me I felt alive! Its like having my first kiss. Zendaya gives me butterflies and I love how she makes me feel, I'm really falling for this girl...

My alarm goes off at 7:45 for me to get up for church and I groan because I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I shower and blowdry my hair then pick out a designer suit mom recently bought me. I do my hair up in a bun and put on some light makeup, grab my flats and head downstairs where mom is up making coffee. "Want a cup?" She asks me in her navy blue pencil skirt, gray silk blouse and stockings. "Yes please." She pours me a cup and hands me the sugar. "Is dad giving a sermon?" I ask as I pour sugar into my coffee. "Yes he is, I think his talk is about virtue." Mom eyes me and I frown. "What?" I ask and she smiles "Oh nothing." She sips her coffee and dad walks in wearing a navy pinstripe suit with gray shoes. "Talk about couples goals." I mumble. "My girls ready?" He asks. "Just let me get my shoes." My mom walks off and dad slaps her on the butt. "REALLY?!" I yell and he looks at me. "What?" I roll my eyes and walk to the car.

I wake up at 12 and check my phone to see a text from Luke (hey, we have some news mate! Come to my house whenever you can) I get up to do my hygiene then I head over to Luke's house. Ashton opens the door before I can knock and drags me inside, "You'll never guess who noticed our YouTube videos!" He says and I frown. "Louis from 1 Direction!" Michael yells. "They want to meet us!" I'm speechless and Luke grins. "They want us to come to London right away." This snaps me out of my shocked state "When?" I ask. "Right away!" They all say in unison. "But we can't afford that!" I say as I walk to Luke's refrigerator and get some snacks. "They're sending tickets mate, our dream is actually happening!" Michael shouts and we all celebrate, I've got to tell Zendaya!

We get home around 3 and I'm exhausted, "Chores Zendaya." My dad says and I groan. "Don't give me that! Every Sunday you have chores, now get changed and hop to it." I stomp upstairs and change. I start on my room which just needed vacuuming and I need to clean out my shower too. An hour has passed and I'm now doing the dishes, I'm even more exhausted than I was when we got home. As I'm wiping the counter tops down my phone buzzes and I see Calum has texted me. (Hey! I got some great news, come over?) I sigh. (I'm cleaning, I'll be there when I'm done) I go back to washing. After I've swept and mopped the kitchen floor I go text Calum to let him know I'm on my way.

I'm sitting on the couch watching ridiculousness when my doorbell rings. I get up and to open it and see Zendaya standing there in some basketball shorts, Nike flip flops, a white tank, and high ponytail. "You look tired." I say amused and she glares and pushes past me. "Why yes Zendaya you may come on in." I close the door and turn to her. "Are you ok?" I ask cautiously. "Yes, I'm just tired." She huffs and sits on my couch. "Well, what did you want to tell me?" She asks with her arms crossed. "Have you ever heard of one direction?" I ask. "Who hasn't Calum?" "Well, Louis saw one of our YouTube videos and wants us to go to London and meet up with them." Zendaya jumps off the couch and hugs me. "That's amazing Cal! I'm happy for you and the band." She gushes and I smile. "Really?" I ask. "Well yeah! 5 seconds of summer is an amazing band and deserve to be known to the world." I pick her up and swing her around. "You're amazing." I tell her and she smiles. Our bodies are pressed against each other and our lips were inches apart. I start to pull away "Calum..." I look at her and she's staring at my lips. "Zendaya, I don't want to do something that we'll regret." She smirks at me and places her hand on my neck "Its just a kiss." She says and I shake my head. "Its not just a kiss with you." She looks at me confused and I turn away from her. "When I'm near you I feel like I'm flying and I can't come down, you make me feel things that I've wanted to avoid feeling. When you kissed me last night I felt like my soul left my body and I never wanted to pull away from your lips." I turn and look at her and she's shocked at my confession. "I've never felt like this in a while and it scares me..." Zendaya frowns. "Were you hurt before Calum? Is that why you're the way you are?" She asks and I nod. Zendaya steps into my arms, wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me gently. My heart accelerates and I grab her hips and press her body more firmly against mine.

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