Letter to Matt Smith

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  • Dedicated to Matt Smith

                                                                           Dear Matt,

  You don't know me and you probably never will. I'm just another girl, another fan amongst this ocean of fans that you have. Because you are special, so special. You are my light and my guide through my darkest hours.

   Now that I've seen you leaving the show forever it saddens me greatly. But I understand that you had to go. People grow and things change. We need to keep moving in order to live. Anyway I'll miss you so so much that my heart aches only when I think that I won't open my door to the Eleventh Doctor. 

    You know what's funny? When I first saw you, right after Tenth regenerated...my first thought was " Who is this guy? He has a funny nose" But after I saw the "Eleventh Hour" I got mesmerized. Your voice, your eyes, your smile, your weirdness and blimey even your nose. I don't really know now what was strange about that, or what I didn't liked about it. I was crazy. Fish finger and custard? Hm.. the most grose and tasty thing that I've ever ate in my 21 almost 22 years of life.  Those faces you make, the bowties, oh the bowties, the watch, the hair. That crazy hair. I love the fact that you are so clumsy, we are so much alike in this matter. Oh... "drunk giraffe". I almost forgot about the badger, and your amazing socks. Oh and sweetie... your amazing, catchphrase: "Geronimo"! There are so many awesome things about you that I hope I won't let anything out. But I am sure that I will. Moving on. Of course! Silly me! How could I forget about the fez and the jammy dogders? Silly me.... Those speeches you gave as The Doctor... you know, it's not important who wrote them... it's important who delievered them and the one that gives those words life.

   Matt, you made me cry, you made me laugh and you made me feel everything that you felt during that scene. I felt things that I never tought that I was even capable of feeling. Matt, you even made me a better person, I learned to appreciate the people that I have near me, with their flaws and qualities and not only to appreciate them, but to do so with every second of every minute in this life.

   Before, years ago, I believed that I am just another human being that doesn't need to be in this world because I never do anything right and I am not important. You learned me to trust myself, and even if I still have my moments when I don't trust myself, it's not the same. You learned me that I am important and that I can be anything. You changed me.

    Everytime that I am sad, or tired, I just watch you, interviews and episodes with you, and my mood changes. Thank you Matt. You are perfect!  

   I really suck at expressing myself but I want you to know that I love you! So much! And even if I'm sad with you gone, I'll be ok. You know that saying... "when you love someone you need to let them go...". I love you that much. I'll let you go but I'll always have you in my heart. It's like you-the Doctor said at the end "I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The doctor was me."  So my Matt, my sweet Matt: "Run you clever boy, I'll remember you. We'll remember you!"  


With Love and Great Respect, 


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