Chapter 1 - The Airport

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  • Dedicated to c

I sat on the ground against the wall looking around at my surroundings. To my right was a luggage conveyor belt and to my left were people leaving from customs. 

I waited for my brother to come out which could take a while. My brother is Beau Bennett, if you didn't know him, he is a player for the Pittsburgh penguins. Ever since he entered the NHL, he has been all over the news, so it's hard for him to visit me lately. We are only 2 years apart so I am 25. Like everyone else, I am still looking for "the one". Hopefully that will be soon because I am tired of most guys already. 

I take another look at the board to see if his flight has landed yet but before I could see the flight number huge arms wrapped around my ribs and lifted me up and off the ground. At that moment I was about to go ninja on this dimwit who thought it would be fun to pick up girls this way. I was set back on the ground and turned around and kicked them in the shin. 

I looked up to see that it was my brother doubled over in pain from the kick. I ran up and jumped on him in an attack hug.

"I missed you so much Beau!"

"Missed you too sis, wish I could visit more often." He said as he chuckled off the pain.

"I can't believe it's been 2 months." He said. 

I didn't let go so I couldn't really hear what he was saying. I got out of the hug and responded "what?"

He laughed and picked me up and put me over his shoulder. I didn't have time to react so I just went along with it. But my foot can hit him in the crotch. I decided to do that when I get to the car so i don't attract a lot of attention. I noticed that he didn't have his hood up or sunglasses on. I quickly gave him my ray bans and flipped his hood up. 

"Why are you putting my hood up? And it's not that bright."

"Because people can recognize you and do you want paparazzi and fans screaming your name while I was over your shoulder?" 

"Good point but your my sister and I can do whatever I want." He said chuckled as if he won this battle. I guess nows the time to kick him.

I lifted up my foot and slammed hard into him. We were near the exit of the airport so there wasn't a lot of people witnessing this incident. 

He threw me off his shoulder and it was a long fall. He is 6'2" and I'm 5'4" so I braced myself for impact. I unfortunately landed on my butt and after he threw me his hands went straight to his crotch and in fetal position. Honestly, I didn't kick him that hard.

"This is what you get for throwing me over your shoulder and saying that you can do whatever. I'm still older than you." I said smirking and my arms crossing each other.

"". He said saying words between each breathe. 

"Did I kick you that hard?" I said with concern. He looked up at me and tackled me in a hug. Oh great Beau the big joker. 

"Do you think everything is a joke?" I said laughing. 

"Only when it's my sister or teammates. Speaking of teammates, 

Flower should be coming soon" he said while looking at his watch.

"Flower? Who is flower?" I said.

"That would be me." He said smiling in his French Canadian accent. I don't know why but I expected him to be short. I tried meeting him eye level when I turned around but ended up looking towards the sky. He was about 6'2" the same with my brother. I thought to myself why did I have to be the short one in the family. Everyone else was always taller than me. 

He looked down at me confused then bent his knees so he would be within my height. 

"Is everything okay? I'm Marc-André Fleury. But friends call me Marc, fleury, or flower." He said with his teeth as white as snow. He looked confused since I was still trying to figure out why I was short.

"Why am I so short?" I said to him. Why did I even ask him that? He can't fix my genetics. I expected him to make a 'what are you talking about?' kind of face but he unexpectedly laughed at me. He was laughing so hard that he fell to the ground.

"What's so funny?" I said.

"I introduce ask me...why you're short?" Hahaha. 

"My name is Dana, nice meeting you Fleury." I said while shaking his hand. His hands were huge! I mean my hand was engulfed by his, he was the goalie for the penguins, it could explain some things. 

Soon enough all of us were laughing like crazy maniacs and then they started coming towards us in a rush. I say they as in the cameras and reporters. Good thing we were near the exit. I grabbed one of Fleury's bags and one of Beau's and sprinted out the door leaving them behind.

After crossing the street of busses I look back to see that they were following me with their other bags and were high tailing it out of the airport. People thought we were crazy but I didn't care, as long as we aren't the front headlines. 

I made it to my car and opened the trunk. 

"Run guys! They're right behind you!" They did as told and we were in the car with me driving, Beau in the passenger seat, and Fleury in the back seat sitting in the middle leaning to the front. 

"Alright you guys ready?" I look in my rear view mirror and see Fleury looking at my car. 

"You okay there Fleury?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just. You drive a range rover sport?" He said fascinated.

"Yeah, I love it, I can only use big cars for my stuff." I pointed to the junk in the back seat along with Fleury and he asks. "You play hockey?" With a smirk.

"Yeah, our whole family does but I'm just playing as a hobby. I used to play on the varsity team." He looked amazed. 

"No offense but I have never seen a girl drive one of these big cars before. Usually they would drive little prissy cars." I wasn't offended in the least, mostly because his French Canadian accent was so adorable and cute. 

"Thanks, Flower. I take that as a compliment." He looked up at me since I called him Flower.

We drove for about an hour to an hour and a half. We made it to my house which consisted of 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths and a huge basement where I have all my hockey stuff in. 

I drove into my driveway and parked the car. I helped Flower and Beau take their stuff in and into their rooms. While they got settled in, I started to make dinner. I decided on homemade pizza and they didn't protest against it. 

They came downstairs to help me set the table and we began eating. We turned on the hockey channel for news and sports and guess what came on. That's right, our faces plastered on the screen. 

I said chuckling, "Beau I told you that this would happen." 

He put his hands up pretending to surrender, "I know, I know, I never learn. At least they got my good side." He said smiling. We all laughed and continued on with our dinner. As I was cleaning up, Flower came in. 

"Hey Flower, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing just ummm......I was wondering if you could help me get settled in." He looked down embarrassed, so I walked up to him and pushed his chin up gently with my fingers. 

"It's okay Flower, I'll be happy to help."

We headed upstairs talking about a game when I walked inside the room and the lights shut off.

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