Hope or distraction?

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Hi guys! So yeah, lately I've been the mood for writing but I didn't want to continue on my previous writings (because I'm lazy) so I have decided to write a new story: it's a Doctor Who fanfiction and I'm really exicted for you to read it! I hope you enjoy it and maybe even vote!

xx Charlotte


It was utter chaos in her head. Everywhere she looked for explanations but nothing could give her a satisfactory reply. Not that anyone would reply... She looked down at the girl, who was laying still in her bed, the girl's hair was placed perfectly next to her head and for the first time she saw how oddly shaped the girl's nose was. She took a step back and tears started filling her eyes. Disbelieve grabbed her like a soldier grabbing his loved one for one last hug before going into war. It couldn't. It just couldn't be. She looked around for help but no one reacted and even when she screamed no one managed to tell her, tell her about her death.

After a while she gave up waiting for an answer, she took a seat on the stairs and saw all the patients walking by; so peaceful, not aware of the silent death of patient 729, who was only so small in this immense galaxy. Watching people had been always one of the things she enjoyed a lot. Watching their little quirks and habits was fascinating. And now that she could watch them forever without being rude, she didn't want to anymore.


'Why am I the only one?' was a question that had been stuck with her for a long while, but in the end she stopped caring. Because eventually everything would fade away, beauty; caring; life.

It had been an ordinary day, someone had died, but still no one to talk to. She had made some people shit their pants by carving the word "pain" in a wall, but nothing rare had happened that day. Around 3PM she started to get hungry, she mastered procrastinating hunger, but the fatigue never left her.

As a dead you didn't sleep or eat and it was an isolated existence. It had been years, maybe even dozens of years since she spoke her last words, living. She had screamed a few times after she discovered about her own death, but that was it. No words had been spoken since then. After a while other people's voices also faded around her and she was completely alone with only images, moving images. Sometimes she could hear whispers of the darkest, lightest, deepest or most morbid thoughts, but they were soon continued by silence, another death. But it didn't happen often, it was a good hospital she had died in and her death simply was an accident.

At 4:38PM she found herself wandering the hospital corridors, looking for nothing at all. Well nothing, maybe she hoped for some kind of serendipity. But if you are looking for serendipity and you find it, does it mean you found it by accident? The answer is, ofcourse, no, because you were searching for it in the first place. So what was she searching for? A distraction? Hope? She didn't know, the only thing she did know is that she had found, her distraction, her hope for a better life after death.

It started with a sound, after years of silence, she finally saw a video in front of her, although the sound didn't match the video she was watching, it felt better, a whole lot better than she had felt for a long while. The sound wasn't much, muffled whispers of a man, but it didn't sound like thoughts, no, they defenitely were whispers, spoken by a man who wasn't going to die anytime soon. In suprise she opened her mouth and although she expected something to come out of it, nothing came. Simple words or a scream were nowhere to be found, instead she sighed. Although she was afraid, not having heard a voice of a living person for a long while now, she did want to find the man whispering.

It wasn't a long search, she found the man quite easily, but what would she say? Could he hear her aswell? Could he see her? Could she even find the words she wanted to speak? The only word that came to her mind was "How?" and so she spoke. The man didn't respond at first... Maybe he didn't hear her, maybe he was going to die soon... But no, he couldn't be dying soon, since he really was whispering. But why could she hear him then? And could he maybe see her? She tried to tap his shoulder, no reaction. 'Ahum' she tried. He turned around at once and she almost fell on the floor, clearly in shock. 'I'm sorry, were you trying to talk to me?' he said, grabbing her just before she fell. 'I... Just. How?' Having mastered lip-reading she could see the woman, with whom the man was talking, asking the man 'Doctor, is everything alright?' After that her vision got blurred by tears, and she could only here the doctor talk. 'Are you okay, dear?'

Only a whisper came out: 'I feel so lonely.'

Although she couldn't see much she knew the doctor had turned around and started talking rapidly to the woman. 'River, why would you ask if I'm alright, ofcourse I am, why would you ask me if you can clearly see this girl who isn't alright at all.'

'She can't see me.' she whispered and the doctor turned around.

After clearing her vision she could see River asking the doctor again if he was alright and then it was the doctor's turn to say 'How?' and he quickly described everything he saw to River in a whispering voice.

"Why can you hear me? Why can you see me?" were the words that filled her mind, the words escaping her mouth just a quickly as they had found her mind.

'I don't know. I-I... I am the Doctor, and you?'

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