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'Valery Fitzgerald'

I typed into the box as I made, yet, a new Pesterchum account. This is the third time I've logged out for someone else to log in, and then realized I didn't know my password. I frowned as the site asked for a username, I had to think of a new one since no two accounts could have the same username. I looked around my room to see the vase of old flowers I needed to throw out, giving me an idea!


I smiled in pride of my new usernane, which took barely anytime to think of. I filled in the rest of my information. My age being sixteen, birthday April 21st, 2001, gender,  female. As I created my account, a pop-up popped up. It made a ting and had a basic Grey background with black words.

'Would you like to make friends? Become part of our 'Talk to a Stranger' program now!'

'Click next for more details'

I slightky crinkled my nose, but clicked the 'next' button anyways. After a few seconds a new screen popped up.

Explanations and rules:

This new modification to the site is to help make Internet friends, and using to keep in contact. You get five minutes of talking, and once that time is up, you can decide to reveal your usernames to one another and keep talking on your log. You must be sixteen and older to participate in this due to the possibility of inappropriate language and images. By agreeing to this the 'Talk To A Stranger' button will be added to your pesterchum Home. Pesterchum is not responsible for any actions of others online, please continue at your own risk.'

'Would you like to participate?'

I stared at the button with a Smiley face, then found my eyes glancing to the frowny face. With a sigh, I clicked the Smiley face. The screen exited out and, as promised, there was a 'Talk To A Stranger' button. I reluctantly clicked on it and then a chat popped up.

Stranger: Hi! Age, name, gender?
You: 16, Valery, Female

~Stranger Disconnected~

I crinkled my nose in confusion, not understanding why they would of so soon ended the conversation. I could only assume they weren't searching for "friends" of my age or gender. I clicked on a 'Next Stranger' button, after a few seconds another chat popped up.

Stranger: hI
You: Hey, I'm Valery.
Stranger: tAVROS,
You: Pleasure to meet you. How old are you?
You: Uhm...
Stranger: oH, eARTH YEARS?

What an odd character... his typing is so weird, and what's up with this question? I rolled my eyes as I assumed I was talking to some edgy kid on the Internet. The idea of disconnecting the chat crossed my mind, but the kid seemed nice.

You: Yes, please. I don't know any other planets range of years :)
Stranger: 17
Stranger: iM SORRY
Stranger: iM A TROLL
You: Oh, so you were just trolling me? Haha, okay. I'm 16
Stranger: aH
Stranger: tHAT'S COOL
You: So, not meaning to be rude, but you're typing is a bit weird... is that on purpose?
Stranger: Oh, Yes, it just feels more natural.
Stranger: Typing like this feels.... unnatural...
You: Oh! Okay, just type however you feel comfortable :)

I could feel the conversation begin to get awkward, I frantically searched my mind for any conversation topic. I finally thought of basic, new topics to get to know the person.

You: What are your hobbies?
Stranger: oH, I LIKE TO FLARP
Stranger: uH

A screen popped up interrupting the chat.

Out of time!

If you would like to continue this chat, please click 'reveal username', if your partner also agrees, you will automatically become contacts and can continue the conversation from there!

I clicked 'reveal username' and was automatically taken to the Pesterchum home. Under a list titled 'Trollian' was the name 'adiostoreador' beneath it. A chat popped up before I could respond.

adiostoreador started trolling RottingBlossom

AT: hI AGAIN }:)
RB: Hi! Is this... Tavros?
RB: So, you said you liked to... Flarp? What's that?

This was the wording I exactly needed. After that was almost an hour of explanation from Tavros over flarping and then us discussing the different flarps he's done and seen throughout the years. I basically gathered that it was similar to Larping, and with that knowledge was able to put in my own inputs of larps I've seen online and at various comic cons.

The conversation went from larping, or flarping, to different comic cons I've attended and cosplays I've done and made. Then we began to talk about books and movies, Tavros admitting he was a Fantasy kind of guy. I was honestly glad I decided to do this whole 'Talk To A Stranger' thing and that I met him, he was a really nice kid. His emoticons were weird, and his typing was odd and I kept reading it in a yelling voice, but I was starting to adjust.

AT: sO
RB: Yeah.

I smiled for a second before I began to type out another message.

RB: do you want me to make you a character in my book?
RB: Or, do you want to make a character for my book?

I sat there for a few moments, waiting for a response. I actually felt slightly nervous because of how long I was waiting.

RB: Yeah, of course :3
RB: Okay, bye~ Goodnight c:

Another long wait before I got a message


We disconnected and I smiled to myself, staring at his username. I wasn't tired despite it being very early in the morning and I hadn't slept. Actually, I was too eager to sleep. I was going to wait until Tavros sent me another message...

I smiled to myself as I then opened a file labeled 'Diary', amd began to type away.

The Wrong Kind of TrollWhere stories live. Discover now